Governor makes first official visit to the Keys - A group of people holding wine glasses - Key West

Key West goes (weed) green with first dispensary

Legalization of medical marijuana was voted into Florida law on Nov. 8, 2016, and the changes have happened fast. Since then, 116 dispensaries have opened statewide, all...
Two-day party features swimsuit fashion show and axe throwing - A group of people standing around a bus - Car

EMS and LEOs stage car accident before prom weekend

One arrested, one injured, one dead. That was the tally for the demonstration on April 22 held at Marathon High School five days before prom, considered by...
Kirby Trahan’s Behind the Blonde takes on body image, bulimia - Julie Taton et al. standing next to a woman - Blond

Saying “No” and Taking inventory of time and commitment

One of my best girlfriends, Lindsey, blew me off for a year before we became friends. We’d make plans time after time, and time after time she...
Our Barefoot Doctor considers how Diabetes affects Kids - A close up of a hand holding a cell phone - Type 1 diabetes

Our Barefoot Doctor considers how Diabetes affects Kids

Over the past few weeks, we’ve talked a lot about new diseases, new research and new thinking. Today, we’ve got an oldie but baddie. We’ve known about...
Changing Title X will affect the healthcare of women in the Keys - A person sitting on a bed using a laptop - Abdominal ultrasonography

Changing Title X will affect the healthcare of women in the Keys

The clock is ticking down to May 3, when changes to the almost five-decade-old Title X program will see dramatic revamping and decreased health care services for...
Barefoot Doctor answers the question: Is it safe to smoke pot when pregnant? - A hand holding a wii remote - Cannabis in pregnancy

Barefoot Doctor answers the question: Is it safe to smoke pot when pregnant?

It’s happened. As was recently reported on these pages, Key West has its first legal cannabis dispensary, with more to follow. And all sorts of MDS (Mysterious...
Barefoot Doctor Stan Sack Explores the Uptick in Autism - A close up of a girl - World Autism Awareness Day

Barefoot Doctor Stan Sack Explores the Uptick in Autism

No matter where you live, you’re never far away from news and discussions on autism. Even if we just considered recent publications, there’s so much written that...
LGBT – Where We Are Now - A screenshot of a cell phone - Rainbow flag

LGBT – Where We Are Now

We are residents of a city of celebrations. This week, two prominent subgroups have reason to be jubilant. Our kids have another year of schooling under their...
Seaweed Smells Like Trouble Record – Breaking Sargassum Drifts Threaten Public Health, Tourism and Ecology - A sandy beach next to the ocean - Mudflat

Seaweed Smells Like Trouble Record – Breaking Sargassum Drifts Threaten Public Health, Tourism and...

by Reda Wigle In the past several weeks, a noxious smell emanating from the beaches of the Keys has kept swimmers, sun seekers and nature lovers away from the...
FWC encourages homeowners to kill green iguanas - A close up of a reptile - Lizard

FWC encourages homeowners to kill green iguanas

The public perception of the green iguana has gone from oddity to nuisance to invasive exotic. And the Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC) is urging the public, in...

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