Earlier this week the Marathon City Council failed to appoint a replacement city council member and toyed with the idea of “flipping a coin” to determine who will be responsible for setting policy and representing their fellow citizens in Marathon for the next nine months. While this tradition is typically used in gambling and sporting events, the “luck of the draw” measure is a curious solution to a political stalemate, so we at the Weekly uncovered other ideas that may or may not have been suggested.
TOP 10 rejected measures to settle a political stalemate in Marathon
10) Pistols at dawn.
9) Duck-duck-goose.
8) Inflatable Sumo wrestling contest.
7) Staring contest.
6) Nerf gun war. First one to bleed is the loser.
5) Parallel parking competition.
4) Battle of Wits (think “Princess Bride”).
3) A foot race on the Old Seven Mile Bridge.
2) Write every word to the National Anthem. Fewest mistakes wins.
1) Rock-paper-scissors.