a group of women in pink skirts posing for a picture
From top left, Kara Sullivan, Caroline Garfield, Kylie Sinclair, Rachel Rusch, Ali Beth Wilson and Alessandra Ingold-Thompson. From bottom left, Riya Robinson, Emma Leigh, Brookelyn Zlockie and Kailey Parrish. CONTRIBUTED

Chi Sigma Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi and Coral Shores High School hosted the 71st Miss Coral Shores Scholarship Contest. Ten finalists competed for the title of Miss Coral Shores 2024. 

After tabulating all the scores, Brookelyn Zlockie was crowned 2024 Miss Coral Shores. The first princess was Ali Beth Wilson while second princess was Caroline Garfield.  

Miss Congeniality went to Emma Leigh, a title selected by the contestants. The Miss Judy Hoke award went to Caroline Garfield, selected by the members of Chi Sigma in memory of a sorority member who gave generously of her time and talents to the Miss Coral Shores Contest for more than 25 years. 

Coral Shores juniors Alessandra Ingold-Thompson, Kailey Parrish, Riya Robinson, Rachel Rusch, Kylie Sinclair, Kara Sullivan, Garfield, Leigh, Wilson and Zlockie were first selected for their academic excellence. Their next hurdles were writing a spontaneous essay and sitting for a personal interview with judges Joyce Bennett, Tiffany Williams and Monroe County Mayor Holly Raschein.

A series of rehearsals led these finalists to showcase their talents and academic achievements for an audience filled with friends, family, students and staff at the Coral Shores Performing Arts Center on April 27.

Dressed in pink, the 10 contestants kicked off the show with a Barbie-themed opening number choreographed by Sara Beeler. Each girl performed a personal showcase with a wide variety of talents from singing, dancing, American sign language, horseback riding, Olympic weightlifting, auto mechanics and sharing a first solo flight. They demonstrated their poise during the evening gown competition. Then the top five were challenged to give an answer to “What advice would you give to a new freshman girl about high school?”

Chi Sigma thanked Coral Shores High School, the supporters, parents and its largest contributor in Shell World of Key Largo for the continued investment in the participants of this tradition. 

From left, Emma Leigh, Miss Congeniality; Caroline Garfield, second princess; Brookelyn Zlockie, Miss Coral Shores; and Ali Beth Wilson, first princess. CONTRIBUTED
Ten Miss Coral Shores contestants in their evening gowns. CONTRIBUTED
Miss Coral Shores contestants perform a Barbie-themed opening number choreographed by Sara Beeler. CONTRIBUTED