a woman making a funny face with her hands


“So…when does the roller coaster of emotions end?”  I received this text recently from a friend who is just shy of 6 months alcohol-free. I wanted so badly...
a person making a heart shape with their hands


I feared deeply when I quit drinking that two things might happen: I would no longer love living in Key West.  And my husband would find me...
a woman sitting on a beach next to the ocean


“Who could you be if you just stopped?” I asked myself this question more times than I can recall. At first, it was more of a curiosity...
Behind the Blonde: Local Columnist Strips the Veil of the “Perfect Life” - A group of people posing for a photo - Portrait

The happy sadness

I remember telling my mom recently that I was in a state of happy sadness. She naturally looked at me with confusion, and asked how that was...
Behind the Blonde: Local Columnist Strips the Veil of the “Perfect Life” - A group of people posing for a photo - Portrait

Note to self…

I set out this week to write a letter to my daughter, something she could possibly read in the coming years. But I decided instead to address...
Kirby Trahan’s Behind the Blonde takes on body image, bulimia - Julie Taton et al. standing next to a woman - Blond

Behind the Blonde: Mental Health Awareness Month an opportunity to get help

I went to therapy a few days ago. I hadn’t been since November. I’ve dealt with pretty high anxiety the last few years including the occasional oh-so-fun...
Kirby Trahan’s Behind the Blonde takes on body image, bulimia - Julie Taton et al. standing next to a woman - Blond

Resident Blonde Kirby Trahan asks: Better to have a clean house or messy memories?

The Saturday morning scene: the house is upside down, dishes to be done, laundry to be folded and floors that most definitely need a good mopping. The...
Kirby Trahan’s Behind the Blonde takes on body image, bulimia - Julie Taton et al. standing next to a woman - Blond

Kirby Trahan’s Behind the Blonde on finding your match in “Mom Dating”

Helicopter mom. Snack mom. Crunchy organic mom. Wine mom. Hot mess mom. So many types of moms. How does one find her mom bestie in a sea...
Kirby Trahan’s Behind the Blonde takes on body image, bulimia - Julie Taton et al. standing next to a woman - Blond

Kirby Trahan’s Behind the Blonde takes on body image, bulimia

 I stare at my perfect baby girl, playing so innocently on the rug with her favorite stuffed doggie, no cares in the world. My heart is filled...
Kirby Trahan’s Behind the Blonde takes on body image, bulimia - Julie Taton et al. standing next to a woman - Blond

Behind the Blonde: Local Columnist Strips the Veil off the “Perfect Life”

My name is Kirby. I am a mother, wife, radio DJ, business owner, human. My name is Kirby. I am depressed, anxious and drink more than I should. What...

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