Kater spring boarding into teaching - A woman standing in a pool of water - Leisure

Kater spring boarding into teaching

Who’s ready to jump into summer camp season? At Founders Park, new springboard dive master Kelly Kater is. With 10 years diving competitively and recreationally, Kater has spent...
What recent great white sightings in the Keys mean - A shark in the water - Shark

What recent great white sightings in the Keys mean

April and May have been big months for big sharks in the Keys. In mid-April, a fisherman named Carter Bates posted a video online of a white...
DiveN2Life trains a generation of gifted, scientific divers - People swimming in a body of water - Scuba diving

DiveN2Life trains a generation of gifted, scientific divers

After school, most young adolescents may get involved in sports, dance, clubs, maybe a little theater. In the Keys, they also might become scientific divers. Wait … what? Meet...
How students and teachers are coping with rigorous test schedules - A close up of a piece of paper - ACT

How students and teachers are coping with rigorous test schedules

One week remains on the Monroe County school calendar for 2018-19. Kids are dreaming of long lazy days, but there’s still a last hurdle to leap. In May,...
Global day encourages better future for oceans - A person riding a surf board on a body of water - Sea kayak

Global day encourages better future for oceans

On Saturday, June 8, people around the world will celebrate the blue bodies of water — our oceans. Known as World Oceans Day, the event is intended...
Florida already HAS free college tuition. Surprised, aren’t you? - A group of people flying kites in the air - Student

Florida already HAS free college tuition. Surprised, aren’t you?

On Wednesday, the Democratic presidential candidates had a debate in Miami. U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren will no doubt bring up her pledge to eradicate student loan debt...
THE NEW LIBRARIAN Lorena Diaz takes the reins of Marathon’s public library - A woman sitting at a table in front of a book shelf - Lorena Diaz

THE NEW LIBRARIAN Lorena Diaz takes the reins of Marathon’s public library

Talk about the perfect person at the perfect time: Marathon’s new librarian, Lorena Diaz, has stepped up to fill the role at the same time the city’s...
Study: dolphins live just as long, or longer, in captivity - Tucuxi

Study: dolphins live just as long, or longer, in captivity

By Sarah Mandile Two bottlenose dolphins glide underwater as they approach two buttons located on the edge of their enclosure. After simultaneously pushing them, a celebratory buzzer sounds....
Predicting Academic Success (or, What did I do with that crystal ball?) - A stack of flyers on a table - South Fork Union School District

Predicting Academic Success (or, What did I do with that crystal ball?)

I’m sure it irritates the current generation of school-age kids just as much as it used to bother me. No sooner are we past the Fourth of...
Brother, sister excited for first year at Key Largo - A man and a woman posing for a picture - Florida Keys

Brother, sister excited for first year at Key Largo

It’s that time of year when students hit the alarm clock, mosey on down to the kitchen for breakfast and hop out the door with backpacks on....

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