This week, the planet of love and relationships is squaring off with the planet of revolution and change. When Venus forms a 90-degree square to Uranus, we can only expect the unexpected when it comes to our relationships and value systems. Be ready for some idiosyncrasies to show up in your relationships that will either have you considering a breakup or pushing you to change the structure of your relationship. With Uranus, something has got to change and chains have to be broken. If this transit is not relational for you, you may have a shake-up in your value system. Regardless, find your even keel because surprises will abound. Also, Mercury will be turning retrograde on Monday, which means Mercury is rapidly slowing down right now. Get your communication projects completed now so you can start reviewing them in the coming weeks.

Here are your horoscopes for the Venus-Uranus Square and Mercury’s Station. Read for your rising and sun signs.

July 23 – Aug. 22

As you focus on your relationship with yourself, some surprise changes at work may pose a challenge. Self-love does not always jive with the demands of career. Try your hand at a creative solution that allows you to show up as a gentler version of yourself. Don’t push. In the coming weeks, reconsider your financial strategy and maybe redesign your budget.

Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

Loving your alone time? Enjoying a bit of solitude? That’s wonderful, but an unexpected adventure is coming through to disrupt that time on your own. The call to adventure can come in many forms, but you do have the agency to answer or not. Either way, prepare for your self-love retreat to be jarringly interrupted. Gear up for an introspective few weeks ahead, and set the time aside.

Sept. 23 – Oct. 23

You’ve been getting showered with love from your friends lately, and I hope you’ve been soaking it up. The joyride is about to experience some turbulence when some surprise karma comes calling. An unexpected debt needs to be repaid or an unexpected windfall is coming your way. Start the process of analyzing how you use your alone time and where your mind goes in meditation.

Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

Work has been graceful and lucrative lately. Perhaps a little too easy? Don’t wait for the shoe to drop, but do expect a surprise challenge to come from an important partner in your life. How can you integrate this partner’s perspective into the work that you are doing? In the coming weeks, reach out to old friends you haven’t talked to in a while. In fact, they’ll probably be contacting you.

Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

You have probably been experiencing a love of a new adventure or a new way of thinking lately, and that has opened your eyes to new ways of being in a relationship. An unexpected obligation promises to disrupt that, and you will need to pull up your sleeves to handle it quickly. Be ready to pivot. You’ll have a few weeks to rethink your career choices or to analyze your reputation. Use them.

Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

You may have been investing more and more into a relationship in your life, perhaps even getting more financially entwined. A disruption to this relationship is on the horizon, but this could prove to be a creative solution. Your own creativity is trying to liberate you from a potential debt, so listen to your intuition. Let your mind think about future travel in the next few weeks.

Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

You’re in a season of high romanticism with love and partnership taking center stage. Everything changes, however, and there is an unexpected challenge from your home and family aiming to disrupt this romcom. Rather than getting frustrated, consider how this interference may be offering you a dose of liberation. Rethink your debts in the coming weeks.

Feb. 19 – March 20

When it comes to your daily routines and regular obligations, you’ve probably found a special grace and flow lately. It’s probably like you don’t even need to try to get your things done. That flow promises to experience an interruption, however, possibly through communication from a sibling or a neighbor. Don’t fret! There is a freedom in the rupture. Rethink a major partnership for the next few weeks.

March 21 – April 19

Your creative juices have been flowing and you have had a particular grace with your projects, Aries. I hope you’ve been taking advantage of this ease. A financial disruption that will break this flow is on the horizon, but if your reaction is measured, you will actually find some liberation in this interruption. In the coming days, reanalyze your daily routines and see if there is a better way.

April 20 – May 20

Home is where your heart is lately, Taurus. There has been a unique joy at home and with family, and I hope you’ve been soaking it up. You may be feeling a bit of restlessness, however, and you will need to break free from the monotony. Listen to your nervous system and live your truth. Under Mercury retrograde in the coming weeks, rethink your creative outlets.

May 21 – June 20

You’ve been feeling the love from your local community, Gemini. Perhaps you’ve been particularly appreciated for the gifts that you bring to those around you. That’s wonderful, but prepare yourself for a surprise urge to isolate yourself for a little bit. Time away is perfectly healthy and can help you appreciate the world and people outside. Reconnect with family in the coming weeks.

June 21 – July 22

You’ve been a magnet for the money. The income comes and goes, so I hope you’ve been putting some aside. Your friends are probably going to come at you with a surprise engagement that will disrupt the flow of funds. This is not a bad thing; rather, it will imbue you with a sense of freedom. Take some time in the coming days and weeks to rethink how you communicate.