two women standing next to each other holding an award
Monroe County school board chairwoman, receives the Florida School Boards Association President’s Award during a recent state conference in Tampa. Tina Certain, FSBA president, presented the award to Woltanski. CONTRIBUTED

Sue Woltanski, Monroe County School Board chairwoman, was named the 2024 recipient of the Florida School Boards Association President’s Award at the FSBA/FADSS Annual Summer Conference in Tampa on June 6. Tina Certain, FSBA president, presented the award.

Each year, the president of the Florida School Boards Association identifies one person who exemplifies leadership in some way or another. The president can determine whom they want to give it to and for what reason.

Certain called Woltanski “a passionate advocate for public education.” 

“I presented Sue with the President’s Award, not only as a symbol of our appreciation but also as a testament to her exemplary leadership and unwavering commitment to public education,” Certain said. 

Woltanski served this year on the FSBA board of directors, as chair of the FSBA federal relations committee and on the FSBA’s advocacy and long term planning committees. She also served as president of the Great Florida Consortium of School Board Members.

The mission of the Florida School Boards Association is to increase student achievement through the development of effective school board leadership and advocacy for public education.

a plaque with a picture of dr sue wolanski on it
Woltanski was recognized for displaying leadership in her role as a school board member and her service with the Florida School Boards Association.