a man with a beard wearing a blue shirt
Marvell Stewart. TRINITY JACOX/Keys Weekly

No matter how many individuals appear in the pages of each edition of Keys Weekly, there are always so many more of our community members who deserve to be recognized. In an effort to shine a spotlight on more of the incredible individuals who live and work in these islands, Keys Weekly is proud to spotlight our Neighbor of the Week feature, dedicated to celebrating a community member with each issue. 

This week’s neighbor is a true island hopper who made his way from the vibrant shores of Jamaica to the welcoming islands of the Florida Keys. Marvell Stewart, the executive housekeeping manager at Faro Blanco for the past seven years, is a shining example of hospitality done right. His coworkers describe him as friendly and funny, contributing to the charm that makes the Keys a beloved destination for visitors. 

“The Keys is like a family,” he said. Hospitality is important to Keys culture, and Marvell helps keep our island positivity up by making visitors feel at home. 

Marvell Stewart

Executive housekeeping manager at Faro Blanco Resort

How did you end up in the Keys? In 2016, I came straight to the Keys from Jamaica to be with my wife.

What can people find you doing when you aren’t working? Fishing. I like to catch jack, mangrove snapper, barracudas … all kinds of fish. 

What is one thing most people don’t know about you? I was a professional boxer in Jamaica. 

If you could shop for free at any store, what would it be? Nike. That’s where I could get my J’s. 

Which unconventional animal would you like to have as a pet? A bear. To have something to keep warm. 

If your life had a theme song, what would it be? “Immigrant” by Popcaan. It’s something I can relate to as an immigrant. 

Have you ever had a brush with death? The closest was in June 2015, when I got shot in my leg. It was a training accident when I was in the military back in Jamaica. 

What is the best and worst part of the Keys? The worst part is the living accommodations are too expensive. The good part about the Keys, no crime. 

Do you have any strange food combinations? Ackee (the national dish of Jamaica) and corned beef. 
What is one spot in Marathon you would recommend to visitors? The Faro Blanco Lighthouse Grill.

Trinity Jacox
Though Hurricane Ivan kept Trinity Jacox from being born in the Keys, it couldn't keep her away for long. Growing up in Marathon, she cherished every moment of island life, amassing over 400 community service hours, serving as class president at Marathon High School and earning her associate's degree from the College of the Florida Keys. Now, as an English Editing, Writing, and Media major at Florida State University, she's excited to bring her love for writing back home through her summer internship with the Keys Weekly.