a man holding a small turtle in front of a fence
Local veterinarian Dr. Douglas Mader, pictured with a baby sea turtle, will discuss the threat of global warming on sea turtles and other species at The College of the Florida Keys on Feb. 22. CONTRIBUTED

The College of the Florida Keys continues its 2024 VIP Series with “Global Warming and Wildlife” on Thursday, Feb. 22 at 7 p.m. in the Tennessee Williams Fine Arts Center on the Key West campus. Acclaimed local veterinarian and author Dr. Douglas Mader will lead the presentation.

Now in its 10th season, the college’s VIP (Views, Ideas and Perspectives) Series invites the community to hear speakers of local, regional and national prominence. The 2024 season includes presentations that focus on timely topics relevant to Keys audiences.

Mader will discuss the effect that increasing temperatures have had on wildlife. He will also explore how changes in water, including droughts and floods, contribute to habitat instability. His presentation will focus on sea turtles, which he calls the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” for our oceans, and the recent phenomena of all female hatchling nests, caused by warmer temperatures in South Florida.

Mader is a triple board-certified veterinary specialist with over three decades of experience. He is an internationally acclaimed lecturer and is on the review boards of several scientific journals. Mader has written medical textbooks and numerous scientific publications. His latest book is “The Vet at Noah’s Ark – Stories of Survival from an Inner-City Animal Hospital.” He serves many animals in South Florida through his veterinary practice and by serving as the consulting veterinarian for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Animal Farm, the Key West Aquarium, Dynasty Marine, the Turtle Hospital, the Everglades Alligator Farm, Zoo Miami and the Theater of the Sea.

Tickets are $5 at the door. Admission is free for students at CFK and Monroe County schools. More information is available at 305-296-9081 or