a drawing of a pile of soccer balls

To our readers:

This edition marks the close of the 2023-24 athletic year with the Keys Weekly Sports Wrap. Since August, we have been proud to serve as your most comprehensive source for prep sports coverage and photography in the Florida Keys.

First things first: Don’t worry. The Sports Wrap isn’t going anywhere. But as school lets out for the summer and prep sports take a short hiatus, we are giving our staff a breather as well to recharge and come back ready to hit the ground running for the 2024-25 school year.

Over the next two months, this section will look a bit different. Instead of weekly prep sports content, the pull-out insert will include a variety of content including comics, games and puzzles, many of which our readers have asked for or told us they enjoyed in the past.

We haven’t forgotten about a few of our All-Keys teams from the 2024 spring season, which we will celebrate as they are completed within the pages of our regular editions during the month of June. And when practices resume in August for fall sports, we’ll go right back to the full-blown Sports Wrap coverage our readers have come to love and expect.

So … enjoy the summer, let us know your feedback, and always: Go ’Canes, Fins and Conchs!


The Sports Wrap Staff

Tracy McDonald
Tracy McDonald fled to the Keys from the frozen mountains of Pennsylvania hours after graduating from college and never looked back. She is a second generation coach and educator, and has taught in the public school system for over 25 years. She and her husband met at a beginning teacher meeting in 1997 and have three children born and raised in Monroe County. In her free time, McDonald loves flea markets, historical fiction and long runs in the heat.