a man standing at a podium in front of a crowd
Coral Shores valedictorian Jordan Lubis addresses his classmates and attendees at the graduation ceremony inside the gymnasium on May 21. JAVIER EXPOSITO/Keys Weekly

The Coral Shores Class of 2024 has earned countless achievements in the fields of sports, academics and community service. Within an exceptionally competitive class that included seven students graduating summa cum laude (with a GPA above 4.5), Jordan Lubis emerged as the Class of 2024 valedictorian. The honor was the result of four years of hard work and dedication, and accomplishments both within and outside of the academic realm. The Keys Weekly caught up with Lubis to discuss his future plans and the conclusion to his high school career.

Where will you be attending college? Georgetown University.

What will you be studying? I wanted to study international business, but I am now leaning more towards business and global affairs. My ultimate goal is to one day become a CEO of an international corporation due to my passion for foreign cultures and my interest in both business and leadership. However, I am now leaning more towards studying business and global affairs because I wish to learn how to integrate corporate affairs into solving issues around the world. 

What was your fondest memory of high school? This year’s Grad Bash. Although our bus broke down and it cost us at least an hour at Universal, it was the first time I actually got to experience a “field trip” since middle school and I got to enjoy it like no other experience in high school. 

How would you characterize your high school? Tight-knit and community-oriented. Given that we are a relatively small community, I feel like the school embodies this in a way that allowed me to feel happy in the support and friendliness of the people I knew.

What difficulties and challenges have you faced over the past four years? I had difficulty deciding what I really wanted to do in life as well as some other personal difficulties. 

How did you work through them? I set aside time to reflect on who I was and what I truly found important in life. In terms of personal difficulties, I set aside time for myself to appreciate what I had in life and enjoy life for what it was by finding happiness in spending time with friends among other things.

Who do you attribute your success to (besides yourself)? My family for sure, specifically my parents. They worked extremely hard to support our family despite all the difficulties they faced. However, they also motivated me to continue working hard, and encouraged me to strive for only the best.

How have you changed over the past few years? I have definitely gained more confidence and become more open-minded in terms of trying new things. By joining clubs and trying out leadership roles, I discovered new passions and became more confident in my public speaking ability. 

What will you miss most about your high school experience? Definitely the close-knit student body we had. I felt as if I could talk with almost everyone, and I still cannot comprehend how I won’t be seeing most of these people ever again. Special mention: the teachers as well. Goodbye, Johnny Grimes.
What message would you want to give incoming students? Follow your passions. In high school, it is important to decide what you want to do in the future, and following your true passions is the best way to do so. Try everything to decide what you do or do not like, and make sure that you live these years to the fullest.

Zack Woltanski
Zack Woltanski is a Coral Shores grad and aspiring novelist. After three years of high school and a gap year in Germany, he will be studying at Brown University, with a potential major in english or philosophy.