a group of people standing next to each other
Animal rights activists from various parts of the globe visited Pawsitive Beginnings in Key Largo on Feb. 4. CONTRIBUTED

Hi friends! Reef the fox here with your weekly “Reef’s Report.” Boy oh boy did we have an eventful week/weekend last week.

First up, my mom, Nicole Navarro was recognized as an Unsung Hero by the Community Foundation of the Florida Keys on Feb. 2 for the volunteer work she does with us 365 days a year. Since Pawsitive Beginnings began, mom has never taken a paycheck from the nonprofit. She puts up with our nonsense for free, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Can you believe it? 

I asked mom to give me a quote for you all and she said, “The purpose of a nonprofit is to give back in some way to the community in which they reside. The foxes and I have found our true purpose here in Monroe County; giving back to those that need hope that the future can be different from their current realities. The past never has to define the future, and with the right set of people cheering you on and supporting you, anything is possible.” 

On Feb. 3, we had the most amazing group of volunteers today from Florida Animal Rescue Alliance. They spent half of the day here scrubbing platforms, removing old mulch and laying down new bark chips for the foxes. They cleaned out a part of the covered porch that I plan on turning into a very special part of the sanctuary this year. They are champions for animals and I am beyond grateful that organizations such as theirs exist solely to assist sanctuaries.

The grand finale to the incredible weekend happened on Feb. 4 when we had nine amazing humans that all work for law firms or organizations that dedicate their lives to protecting animals. Camille Labchuk, who leads the organization Animal Justice in Canada, reached out to my mom a few weeks ago saying she would be in South Florida for a conference and asked if she could come meet all of us. What my mom didn’t know is that some of the people she has admired from afar would also be coming along. So many cool humans in one spot. It was a great day.

Reef the Fox
Reef was born on a fur farm on or around March 28, 2021. He was able to be rescued when his mother and siblings started to reject him. Reef is missing toes on his front, right paw and the tip of his tail is missing due to injuries sustained in his short time on the fur farm. Reef arrived at Key Largo on May 6, 2021 by Nicole Navarro, of Pawsitive Beginnings Inc.