a young man is posing for a picture
Mason Buxton

Mason Buxton
Senior, Marathon
Cross Country

“Mason is a strong runner who puts in the work to be successful. I’m looking forward to seeing how low he can get his times in his final season at MHS.” – Jim Murphy, Marathon boys cross country coach

Mason Buxton is no stranger to hard work. A member of Marathon’s varsity cross country team since the eighth grade, Buxton has been in the shadows of some of the greatest runners in Keys history, and yet his undogged work ethic and willingness to put in the miles have always kept him in the team’s top five. Now in his fifth season, he has come into his own, and it may just be others chasing him. Mason is intelligent, kind-hearted and talented as a runner and athlete in general. For his constant pursuit of self-improvement and willingness to put in the work no matter how challenging, Mason Buxton is the Keys Weekly Athlete of the Week.

Tracy McDonald
Tracy McDonald fled to the Keys from the frozen mountains of Pennsylvania hours after graduating from college and never looked back. She is a second generation coach and educator, and has taught in the public school system for over 25 years. She and her husband met at a beginning teacher meeting in 1997 and have three children born and raised in Monroe County. In her free time, McDonald loves flea markets, historical fiction and long runs in the heat.