Permit fees go down, food truck hours go up - A person holding a plate of food - Marathon

Permit fees go down, food truck hours go up

On March 27, the Marathon City Council rolled up its sleeves and went to work. The issue of permit fees, raised last month to a flat 3...
Mosquito: Oxitec is courting the Keys again - A close up of a person - Mosquito

Mosquito: Oxitec is courting the Keys again

Oxitec is back in the Keys, meeting with local officials and hosting town hall meetings, including one on Tuesday, Feb. 20 at 1 p.m. in Marathon. The...
Food truck

City of Marathon revisits food truck law

For less than 400 words, ordinance 104.62 causes a lot of headache for the City of Marathon, its residents and business owners. The law governing food trucks has...

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