a man and a woman posing for a picture
The late Joan and Edward Knight founded the Edward B. and Joan T. Knight Foundation, which recently provided $2 million to College of the Florida Keys for its new residential complex to offer students affordable housing. CONTRIBUTED

The College of the Florida Keys is $2 million closer to developing its new residential complex for students and the workforce on the Key West campus, thanks to a pledge from the Edward B. and Joan T. Knight Foundation. The gift is the largest contribution to the CFK Foundation in its history.

The college’s new residential complex could include as many as 240 student beds and up to 50 units for CFK employees, educators, first responders and health care workers. Dining and recreational facilities may be incorporated in the design to enrich the living experience. When fully operational, this facility will add to the current 100-bed residence hall, Lagoon Landing, on the waterfront “Point” area on the northwest part of campus.

“We are grateful to the Edward B. and Joan T. Knight Foundation for recognizing the college’s residential complex as a worthy investment in educational opportunities and workforce housing in the Keys,” said college President Jonathan Gueverra.

“With approximately 90% of our current residential students holding jobs that support the Keys’ economy, an increase in the number of beds will result in an increase in the labor market. These student workers will support CFK’s enrollment growth and fuel the Keys economy with a steady supply of workers without additional pressure on the housing market.”

Students have demanded on-campus housing for decades, but state colleges are not typically allowed to have it. CFK had to get legislative authority and external funding to build Lagoon Landing, which opened in 2011. After several years of operating at capacity, and with a wait list, the college again sought and secured legislative approval to expand the number of student beds and to add workforce housing units.

The college is working with industry leaders, philanthropists and government officials to procure support and seeks another $20 million to begin the project.

More information is available from Lana Gaspari at 305-809-3214 or Gifts to the CFK foundation are tax-deductible.