The Upper Keys Weekly is proud to partner with Treasure Village Montessori faculty and students in choosing “The Student of the Week.” Recipients are chosen on qualifications including academic standing, outstanding achievements, community involvement, individuality and moral fortitude. We thank our future leaders and TVM for allowing us to share in a weekly dose of “Sea Dragon” pride and for giving us a glimpse into their world.
seventh Grade
What is something most people don’t know about you? Most people don’t know that I am not as quiet as I seem to people who don’t know me.
Who is your all-time favorite teacher and why? My all-time favorite teacher is definitely Ms. Bobbi because she always makes jokes and understands how it feels to be overwhelmed.
What is your favorite subject and why? My favorite subject is definitely science because I feel a lot more comfortable with the teacher and the work is not too overwhelming.
What organizations and activities are you involved with at TVM? Last year while leadership was going on I was a part of that and I am very proud to be a part of unified track.
What is the best rule at your school? I feel the best rule at TVM is the no bullying because I think that’s a way to just not feel good about yourself and makes the other person in an uncomfortable situation that nobody wants.
What is your favorite food for lunch? My favorite food for lunch is Publix macaroni and cheese or Publix sub.
What do you want to be when you grow up and why? I really would like to be two things. One of my dream jobs is to continue a soccer career for me and keep going with something I love. Another dream job of mine is to be a dolphin trainer.
What do you hope to be remembered for at TVM? I hope to be remembered as a 13-year-old kid who struggled in school but set her mind to many goals that you could achieve if you tried.
What is one favorite way to spend your spare time? One of my favorite ways to spend my free time is to try and get a soccer ball at my feet no matter what I’m doing. I also really enjoy playing with my puppy Bean.
Will you make the Keys your permanent home in the future? Why or why not? No, I don’t think the Keys will be my permanent home. I really would love to move to North Carolina. The reason why I would like to move to North Carolina is because I wanna be as close to the beach as I can and I also love seeing dolphins, turtles and just the beach view brings me joy like the soccer field.
The Key West Weekly is proud to partner with Key West High School faculty and students in choosing “The Student of the Week.” Recipients are chosen on qualifications including academic standing, athletics, outstanding achievements, community involvement, individuality and moral fortitude. We thank our future leaders and KWHS for allowing us to share in a regular dose of “Conch Pride,” and for giving us a glimpse into their world.
What KWHS teacher has had the most influence on you? Ms. Laubenstein was the first teacher who convinced me I could take difficult classes. I had a hard time in AP Human Geography my freshman year, but she made me believe in my abilities once I got into her AP World History class.
What class, so far, has best prepared you for life after high school? I’d have to go with World Literature right now. I want to major in something English-related, and that class helped the most in that department.
What was the biggest challenge of online learning for you during the pandemic? I am a huge procrastinator and when I don’t have the motivation of face-to-face interaction, it just gets worse.
What’s one piece of advice you’d give incoming freshmen? Don’t stress too much about things. Whether you have a problem that’s social or academic, it’s probably not as big of a deal as you think it is and as soon as you’re able to calm down, solving it will become so much easier.
What are your plans/goals after graduation? I plan to go to a four-year college and then probably attend graduate school. Although I’m not certain about graduate school yet.
What three things would you like to have accomplished by your 10-year high school reunion? I want a job with a steady income, a permanent address (unless the reason I don’t have one is because of my job), and some sort of life experience that I can brag about, whether that be an awesome vacation or a unique job I’ve had.
What social media app do you use most often? Snapchat probably, but I don’t actually use social media that much.
What local, national, or global issue concerns you most? There are a lot of social issues that I feel strongly about (racism in the police system and the wage gap come to mind first), but at this very moment I’m feeling more inclined to say climate change. It boggles my mind that some people still claim there is no such thing as climate change, especially when I feel that I have experienced it firsthand during multiple hurricanes.
Do you plan to make the Keys your permanent home after high school or college? Not currently, although I’m not exactly opposed to the idea, especially since I’m definitely going to college out of state.
Who has influenced you the most in your life? I’m not sure there is one single answer to this question. My parents are definitely a contributing factor, but my friends have also changed and shaped me a great deal.