A community grieved on the morning of Sept. 6, as news spread of Mike Forster’s passing following a battle with COVID-19. On Facebook, a flood of posts brought words of sadness over the loss of someone who embodied what it meant to be an active member within the community.
Many also relayed thoughts of praise and thanks for Forster, 61, who constantly paid it forward and gave back. Forster was more than a passionate public official and a restaurant owner who boasted awards for some of the best breakfasts around. He supported students and first responders.
He loved his pets and enjoyed a day off out at Flamingo. He started the morning by posting uplifting messages to Facebook for his community of followers to see. The Sept. 16 edition of Keys Weekly will look at how Forster influenced and shaped many lives. Those wishing to share their story or pictures of Forster, please contact Jim McCarthy, editor, at jim@keysweekly.com.