We’re a couple weeks into the new year, but if you’re feeling more like you’re trying to run through Jell-O rather than dancing through life, fear not. Mars, the planet of action and courage, is in a period of apparent retrograde motion through February 23. Active progress is not in the stars right now. This week, however, we turn a corner in this transit. On Wednesday, Mars and the Sun opposed one another, marking the midpoint of Mars retrograde. This is the time in this cycle when we are able to gain some clarity on what the Mars retrograde cycle means for us because the sun sheds light on whatever it touches. What part of your life have you been slowing down so that you can effectively speed up when Mars retrograde ends? What difficult feelings have you been sitting with that will ultimately make you more resilient? What actions have you been putting off as you await for the most appropriate time to spring into action? While it is not yet time to move forward, it is high time to understand and analyze this period of slowing down and how it will help you move forward in February. Coming to clarity with the purpose of this Mars retrograde will allow you to work with the rest of the transit with more intent and purpose. Continue to rest, plan, conspire and wait. The time to jump into action is down the road.
Here are your horoscopes for the Sun opposite Mars retrograde. Read for your rising and sun signs.
Capricorn – Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
Before venturing off into large-scale investments and group projects that require your time, energy and money, slow down to focus on the one-on-one partnerships that ground you. Individual relationships will get you where you need to go, but it is important to slow down to nurture them. Take time with your partner now so you can jump forward with trust and ease later.
Aquarius – Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
Relationships with others are important, but getting good with yourself comes first. Use this time to reflect on your unique position in the universe. What is your stance and, even more importantly, what do you do with your individual perspective? Take this time to focus on your habits and your routines, and make sure that they reflect your unique purpose.
Pisces – Feb. 19 – March 20
Yes, there is work to do, Pisces. There is always work to do. Before you get started, however, tap into your center and get clear on your passion. You have a community of people who hold you up, but you are the only one who can find your bliss. The people you resonate with may hold a clue to your creative joy, but now is the time to slow down and explore. Find your fire.
Aries – March 21 – April 19
Venturing off on joyful adventures comes naturally to you, Aries. That will never change. Right now, though, you have the opportunity to tap into your roots – whether that is family, your home or the actual earth you walk on. You currently have clarity on your work life, but use that awareness to access the counterpoint, which is your home life. What nourishes and rejuvenates you?
Taurus – April 20 – May 20
As you work on either creating a home or accessing your family, this time is for you to connect to the people and places that you find familiar that are around that center. Siblings, neighbors, childhood friends, your local neighborhood places – home can be spread out beyond the focal point. As you engage in new experiences, recall that the things ordinary to you are also important.
Gemini – May 21 – June 20
It seems you’ve been trying to move forward with things that are very familiar to you, whether that is your siblings, your community or your way of communicating. Right now, though, you are being asked to tap into your personal values first. You cannot move ahead without getting clear on what you value, whether that is financial or emotional. Get right with you first.
Cancer – June 21 – July 22
You’re clearly seeing an important partner in your life, and you are ready to move forward building a nest egg. However, you’re being offered the chance to check in with yourself and to determine what motivates you from within. The finances and support will come, but what is it that you bring to the table that is uniquely your own? Enjoy the time to yourself and be patient.
Leo – July 23 – Aug. 22
You’ve been eager to move forward in your daily routines and responsibilities, but first, you’re being nudged to step into a quieter space of self-reflection. What are the inner truths you’ve been avoiding, and how can they guide your next steps? This is a time to slow down and nurture your connection to the unseen – your dreams, your rest, your spirit. The clarity you need will emerge from this stillness.
Virgo – Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
Creative projects or personal passions have been calling for attention, but right now, you’re being guided to take a step back into your community. Who are the people who inspire and support you? What networks offer the resources you need? By slowing down and leaning into collaboration, you’ll gain the insight and encouragement required to move forward on your own.
Libra – Sept. 23 – Oct. 23
Yes, there are people out there who are ready to help you achieve your goals, but first you need to know what your goals are. You can see what grounds you and where you feel at home, so use that awareness to look out at who you want to be in public. What impact do you want to make in the world? When you’re clear on that purpose, the supportive folks will emerge.
Scorpio – Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
You have goals and you have work that you want to do in the world. Before you invest in those goals, now is the opportunity to experience new things to make sure that you’re not selling yourself short. You are grounded in your familiar world now, so trust that tether and take the leap to get outside of your comfort zone. This will only help to clarify your work in the world.
Sagittarius – Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
You’ve been aiming to try new things and experience new places, but this sky encourages you to take a closer look at the resources you share with others – whether emotional, financial or energetic. Where are your boundaries, and where can you foster trust? You can see what is yours very clearly, but explore what you share with others. Then embark on that adventure knowing your investments are secure.