a large body of water filled with lots of boats
A $1.8 million breakwater restoration project is underway at Founders Park in Islamorada. JIM DORAN/Contributed

A massive restoration of an aged breakwater is underway at Islamorada’s Founders Park. During a June meeting, Islamorada council members unanimously approved Tavernier-based Adventure Environmental to conduct the restoration work at a price tag of $1.8 million. 

The breakwater was built in the 1960s. Restoration planning began in October 2018. Project tasks include restoring and elevating the breakwater about 2 feet, and the work is expected to take about four months. Repair and stabilization of the natural fill and rip rap breakwater is necessary to protect Founders Park and the marina infrastructure, as well as to protect the vessels that rent space at the marina.

The breakwater protects park marina infrastructure and vessels from flooding and wave events. It’s weathered two major storms, Hurricane Wilma in 2005 and Hurricane Irma in 2017. 

This project is fully funded from a Florida Department of Environmental Protection grant through the Resilient Florida Program.

an aerial view of a marina with boats in the water
an aerial view of a long stretch of land next to a body of water