Presidents’ Weekend in Key West was truly presidential, with an annual picnic on the grounds of the Harry S. Truman Little White House and sold-out performances of “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry,” a one-man show about Truman’s presidency written and performed by Truman’s grandson, Clifton Truman Daniel.
The Key West debut of “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry” kicked off the weekend on Feb. 18. The show includes several props that epitomize Truman’s presidency, including a railcar used for Truman’s whistle-stop reelection campaign and the legendarily incorrect newspaper headline announcing “Dewey Beats Truman.”The original railcar is at the Gold Coast Railroad Museum in Miami, where Harry S. Truman Legacy celebrations are set to resume in May with “Planes, Trains & Automobiles: Transporting Truman and How He Transported America,” a three-day, multi-location event that will begin at the railroad museum on May 12 and then travel to Key West for a series of events, including the Truman Legacy Symposium, that will run through May 14. More information is at