a couple of people that are dressed up in skeleton costumes

Happy Fantasy Fest, Key West! This year’s Fest is concurrent with some powerful planetary action over the course of the week, so I hope your freak flag is flying high! In the wee hours of the morning of Tutu Tuesday, we have a partial solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio, urging us to be starkly honest with ourselves so we can start fresh after releasing fears and obsessions. We also have trickster Mercury entering into configurations with both a frustrated Mars on the verge of turning retrograde and transformational Pluto, potentially bringing forward some irritating thought patterns. All-in-all, it is a good time to acknowledge our compulsions with a clear head and send them into the void. Then you can really feel the Fest with high spirits!

Here are your Fantasy Fest horoscopes. Read for your rising and sun signs.


Oct. 24 – Nov. 21

Happy birthday season to all of our truth-seeking Scorpios! You are starting on a new journey of self-love, but it is going to take some good ol’ elbow grease to come to fruition. Start that new self-care routine you’ve been thinking about. Just do it already. You may be obsessing a bit about ways that you are energetically re-investing in others, but ease up because you have a few months to figure it out. Expect some blessings in your creative pursuits.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

You’ve got some secrets, Sag, probably even from yourself. Let go of the negative self-talk that you try to hide from others because that inner conversation isn’t serving you. Work on loving even your darkest personality traits. When your friends give you advice about love and money, now is a good time to heed their suggestions, even if you find their advice grating. Luck is going to come from home.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

It looks like a good time to reevaluate some of your friends. Are they your friends, or do they make you work for simple validation? Stick with the people who lift you up. As you think about your career, really get curious about whether it empowers you as an individual and if the daily routines are moving you forward. Get ready to feel some celebration in your local neighborhood.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Big changes are coming in your career, Aquarius, and while you might need to work hard to find it, there is a silver lining. While your mind may be planning your next adventure, your will is seeking the pleasure principle, and you are about to really dig in to your creative pursuits. How can you integrate these two pulls? Also, it looks like you have some big money coming down the pipeline! 


Feb. 19 – March 20

You are embarking on a powerful new journey, Pisces, following your heart into the great unknown. Let go of the weights that hold you on familiar shores and get a move on. While you are thinking about the attachments that hold you back, you may discover some stale energy at home and some powerful allies urging you onward. Celebrate yourself in the coming weeks!


March 21 – April 19

It is time to enter into some new entanglements and pay off your old debts. We are always releasing and creating new obligations with others, but right now you are in a decisive shift. As you are thinking about romantic partners, you are beginning a process of reconsidering how you communicate. Let that be a focus for the next few months and try out different methods of expression.


April 20 – May 20

New love or partnership of some kind is at the forefront right now, Taurus. It take some work to begin a deep relationship, and the new daily practices are on your mind. Release your old conceptions of what a relationship is supposed to be and move forward with an open mind. As you reevaluate your values, remember to trust the process and don’t obsess about outcomes.


May 21 – June 21

You are starting an entirely new work routine, and it might be a struggle to find the grace in the process. Keep your creative pursuits on your mind and get ready to work on yourself as you reconfigure your daily flow. Your career is due for a big boost of energy, so sink into the joy of a whole new personal reputation. Some debts might be weighing on your mind, but face them head on.


June 22 – July 22

You may be feeling some overwhelm by all of the different desires that are pulling at your heart strings, but now is the time to reprioritize by releasing passions that don’t reflect you anymore. There may be some struggle to decide which creative pursuits you truly love, but the depth of bliss that awaits you is worth the effort. As you are thinking about home as a concept, you are also entering a period of recharging solitude. 


July 23 – Aug. 22

Big new beginnings on the home front, Leo. Perhaps you’ve moved into a new place or you are having some revealing conversations with family members. Allow your vulnerability to be an invitation into the new space. Let your mind ruminate on familiarity, including any siblings you might have or your local neighborhood. This will call out your support team.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22  

Express yourself, don’t repress yourself! It is a time to break out of your usual style of communication and try on different vocabularies, articulations, and styles. Enter into a new flow and work on loving your new voice. As you are thinking about your finances, get ready for a whole revamp of your career and public-facing reputation in the next few months. 


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23

What you value impacts your money flow and your emotional baggage. It is an ideal time to reevaluate your value system, Libra, and to release values that might have become compulsive.  Perhaps it is time to change up your income stream, or it is time to let go of heavy feelings that hold you back. Think about the ideal version of yourself and let that lead you into new horizons.