We are nearing the Summer Solstice on Tuesday, June 21, the time of year in the Northern Hemisphere when the length of daylight is at its maximum. Astrologically, we are all experiencing our greatest individuality, when we feel most independent, confident and self-sustaining. In other words, you might be thinking, “I don’t need nobody else because I got this. So there.” Hubris much? However, the magic of the solstice reveals that as soon as the light reaches its greatest length, the darkness immediately begins to encroach and our reliance on others comes tip-toeing back in. In other news, Mercury just moved back into its home sign of Gemini after its retrograde period, and the sun is receiving constructive support (a 120-degree angle) from Saturn and some baffling conflict (a 90-degree angle) from Neptune.
Here are your horoscopes for the week. Read for your rising and sun signs.
May 21 – June 21
It is still Gemini season and you are still front and center, sweet Gem! Are you simultaneously feeling a confident maturity born from your education and/or life experience while also feeling like your career is shrouded in a mystical fog? You’re right on schedule. Trust your path and keep dreaming about what you want to do with your life. There might be some conflict in your support network – breathe and learn to manage only what is in your control.
June 22 – July 22
The time you’ve spent investing in other people is now eliciting a return for your peaceful solitude. You are receiving material support and a morale boost from the collective space you have put your energy into, so stand up tall and know that you are wiser for having used your energy for other people. Be patient with some aggression at work and use it for your own healing – it’s not about them.
July 23 – Aug. 22
An older-wiser partner in your life is helping to highlight your helpful peeps, i.e. the folks in your life who will help you move onward and upward. Let this person point you to the right community because it’s important to have a crew. You might also be dreaming about a joint venture or getting a loan of sorts, but make sure it is not an illusory oasis. Let the dream simmer for a while until the possibilities become clearer.
Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
It looks like you have been getting serious about your daily routines and work output, like you’re maturing into some structured patterns. Who would’ve seen it coming, Virgo? These new patterns are going to support your career very naturally, so make this connection clear. A love interest might be pulling you away from pursuing your work. Make sure this person isn’t a distracting siren.
Sept. 23 – Oct. 23
Creativity can be freewheeling and passionately intuitive, but it also takes focus, a willingness to get your hands dirty, and time. The time you’ve put into your creative projects is now encouraging the adventurous part of your soul – perhaps you can now travel or study something new because of the time you’ve put into your passions. Go for it. Right now, daily responsibilities are more of a distraction than a necessity.
Oct. 24 – Nov. 21
You may have life’s only certainties in sight: death and taxes. In other words, the inescapable parts of life are under the spotlight for you, Scorpio, and you’re considering your relationship to them. Let some older members of your family help you square away your reflections on your debts and inheritances – they will prove to be incredibly helpful. Don’t be distracted by frivolous pleasures right now. Get your obligations in order.
Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Love and partnership are in your crosshairs, whether you are looking for a partner or reflecting on your current partner. Consider how you can maturely communicate with your counterparts. Word choice and authenticity are important. Your family of origin is a distraction in this realm right now, so don’t let them confuse you.
Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
You’ve been getting your finances and material affairs in order, Capricorn. Well done. Getting organized in this part of your life is supporting your daily well-being and helping you get into more regular beneficial cycles. Don’t rush the process. You might be having visions of your ideal local community, but that ought not be your priority. Focus on designing your own lane before deciding where to lay it down.
Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
You’re aging like all of us, Aquarius, but at this time you’re realizing how all of your experiences and the time you’ve been alive have been making your sense of self more substantial. Revel in your unique wisdom. This will support your sense of wonder for what else is out there and fuel your creativity. Your personal money issues may seem dreamy, but your moolah is a red herring.
Feb. 19 – March 20
How is the “you” when you’re alone different from the “you” that presents themself in public? Right now, I encourage you to tap into the self that emerges in solitude because there is a deep truth here that connects you to your roots of family and home. It looks like you’re seeking connection to your fam and your path there is through some serious alone time. Like, take your time and don’t rush the process.
March 21 – April 19
Your sociability is in view right now: how do you communicate, who are your siblings (actual or chosen) and what’s your local community? The people who help you achieve your goals in society are pointing you in the direction of your more intimate community. See if you can spot the arrow. Most importantly, you’re not alone. Your loneliness is a smokescreen.
April 20 – May 20
Hard work is a theme for you, Taurus. Your career is taking an awful lot of your time and commitment right now. However, all of that nose-to-the-grindstone business is truly supporting your finances and material well-being. Keep on it. Don’t be distracted by people who see your success and want a piece, because there is great potential for false benefactors.