We have two big conjunctions happening this week. As a quick crash course reminder, a conjunction happens when two planets (the sun and moon included) line up exactly from our perspective here on Earth. When two planets conjoin, their powers and archetypal themes become fused, and we can expect these energies to show up in the world around us and in our own lives in some way. On May 29, courageous Mars and the wounded-healer asteroid Chiron formed a conjunction. Mars-Chiron can represent active healing, antagonizing wounds or setting boundaries for protection. In the wee hours of the morning of May 31, intellectual Mercury forms a conjunction with rebellious Uranus, ushering in innovative thinking, rebellious speech and surprising messages. Both of these conjunctions will be active at the same time, so if you are standing up to your bullies while telling your friends how you are going to overthrow the capitalist overlords, don’t be surprised. There is really active, almost manic, energy in the air and the goal is to heal and to make change.

Here are your horoscopes for the Mars-Chiron and Mercury-Uranus conjunctions. Read for your rising and sun signs.


May 21 – June 21

The way we use our alone time can make or break our well-being. It looks as if you will be granted a spark of insight as to how you might be able to spend your time alone in more beneficial ways. The more out of the ordinary, the better. When it comes to your social sphere, you have an opportunity to either directly clear things up or set some serious boundaries. You’ll know which path to take.


June 22 – July 22

If you’ve been experiencing some pains at work, this week you have the chance to address them and find a solution. Put on your armor and face your frustrations head on. The cosmos has your back. Some radical conversations with friends are also on the menu. If you need change in your life, step out with your friends and listen intently to the discussions. There’s magic in those words.


July 23 – Aug. 22

If you’re feeling vulnerable, hit the road. Don’t run away from your insecurities, but rather take an adventure to gain a different perspective to learn how to live with them. The more impulsive the trip, the better. Whatever struggles you might be finding at work, this week you’ll have a lightning flash of insight that will provide you a third way to find success. 


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22  

There is a treasure trove of new thoughts and different perspectives coming your way, Virgo. If you feel as if you’ve learned it all, you are sorely mistaken. I think you’re going to have an awe-inspiring download of insight that might even send you on a new course of study. If there are difficulties regarding shared resources or finances, you will very quickly find the appropriate action.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

You and an important partner may have a disagreement this week, but the ultimate outcome will be helpful and healing. Get it all out in the open so you can address it. Set a boundary if necessary. You will receive a surprising and powerful intellectual download about an investment you will make. Whether it is financial or energetic, it will ultimately liberate you.


Oct. 24 – Nov. 21

Something akin to a new workout routine or physical health regimen is open to you. How can you find health through consistency? Don’t think about it too much, rather dive in and find some powerful results. You have some radical new ideas floating around about relationships. How can you think about them differently in a way that frees you from artificial constraints?


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Creative projects commonly have therapeutic effects, and right now throwing yourself into your creative passions will help you form a healthy relationship to your core wounds. Throw caution to the wind and get messy in the studio. There are innovative methods of doing the same old things, and you are being given a chance to freshen up your tired routines. Go ahead and try.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

You may be feeling some frustration or anger at home or with your family, but if you can get to the root cause of this irritation you can actually release some deep complexes that you carry. Where is the fire coming from? You are also being gifted with a spark of creativity and inspiration. Catch it while it’s active because this muse is going to come and go quickly.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

If you’ve been trying to come up with a solution to your home situation, you’re in luck. This week, a radical new idea is going to hit you like a ton of bricks and you’ll know exactly what to do to unfetter yourself. Take a walk, a run, a bike ride in your neighborhood to sort through whatever it is that is plaguing you. Getting active in your usual surroundings is the medicine you need.


Feb. 19 – March 20

Use this week to practice being a conversationalist, Pisces. Under this sky, you have the capacity to be an impressive and surprising orator, and the right words will come to you seemingly out of nowhere. It is also the right time to sit down and get your finances in order. You will feel so much better and lighter when you get them under control and develop a plan. 


March 21 – April 19

We all have existential crises from time to time. “Who am I?” It’s part of the human condition to struggle a bit with the deep questions about self. Right now, Aries, you can actually make some headway in answering those questions. Get to know yourself and find some real confidence. You are also being offered some surprising insight into new income streams. Listen up.


April 20 – May 20

Right now, spending some time alone or taking a little retreat would be a potent option for tending to your needs. It’s important to step away from the hubbub occasionally to regain your footing. Listen to the ideas coming through about how you might be able to express yourself differently. Don’t be afraid to try something new. Reinventing yourself can be liberating.