Astrology Column


Compared to last week, this week’s astrology is downright vanilla with just a couple of rainbow sprinkles. Was last week daunting AF for you? If so, you were right on time. The astrology of the week beginning July 16 was incredibly challenging, starting with a contentious new moon followed by a no-exit Mars-Saturn opposition. We were all locked in battle and struggling with our inner demons. I hope you learned something from the rapids because we are in smoother waters now. At the end of that choppy week, Venus turned retrograde and will stay in apparent retrograde motion until the beginning of September. We are in the midst of a 40-day period of reflecting, revisiting, reinstating, reinterpreting and refining our values and relationships. Turning our focus to right now, the biggest transit this week has Mercury meeting up with our retrograde Venus before changing signs from Leo into Virgo. Wherever Mercury moves is where our minds go, and we are all being encouraged to spend time thinking about and analyzing our loves, relationships, and values. Talk it out and write it down.

Here are your horoscopes for Mercury’s conjunction with retrograde Venus. Read for your rising and sun signs.


July 23 – Aug. 22

Happy birthday, regal Lion! Soak in all of the light and love of Leo season and show out with your luxurious mane. Two quick questions: How is your relationship with yourself and how do you value yourself? Perhaps you’re in the right relation to yourself or perhaps you could really treat yourself better and honor your badassery. At any rate, check in on your self-love right now and gauge your bearings. Think it through.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22  

You know that feeling after you’ve accepted a breakup and you’re back on your feet and wondering how your unconscious traumas came out of you all over again even though you thought you’d figured them out? Yeah, that feeling. Whether or not you’re in the broken hearts club right now, you’re having a similar experience to that. Take time to think about your real values, the subconscious ones that emerge in tough times. How can you respect those more?


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

Put on your editor’s glasses and take a look around at the groups of people that surround you. Are they showing you love and making you feel valued, or are you seeking approval on the regular? Our social networks are reflections of ourselves, so take a moment to make sure that you like what you see. You deserve a clan that helps you shine.


Oct. 24 – Nov. 21

Does your work align with your values? Do you love what you do? I think most of us fall somewhere in the “It’s all right – I gotta make a living” category. One thing everyone deserves, however, is to feel valued for their labor and their intrinsic personhood. If you are not feeling that right now, really think about your alternatives. If you are, take a moment for gratitude and invest more.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Recall a time when you fell in love with a new experience, a new location, a new idea, a new belief. Right now is the perfect time to relive or revive that feeling. As with all novel experiences, they eventually become normalized and maybe stale over time. Remind yourself why expanding your horizons elicits feelings of love for that which is unfamiliar – and go chase that feeling!


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

There is no way around it, we need other people. This requires investing our time and energy into other people in some capacity, and this is a dynamic that we have control over. We get to choose how and when we invest in others. We also get to determine what we expect in return, if anything. Right now, make sure the way you allocate your time and energy reflects your values. Take a value stock of your energetic and financial investments. Make necessary edits.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

This Venus retrograde season is all about your partnerships, Aquarius. How are you showing up or how have you shown up in relationships? Are your values aligned with the values of your current or past partners? Now is a good time to get clear on these questions and either reconsider or reinvest in the partnerships you’ve created. Also, don’t be surprised if any past loves come a-callin’. 


Feb. 19 – March 20

Love ain’t always easy, and what’s easy ain’t always love. There is work to be done to maintain the people and things that you love and value. Right now, it’s a time to analyze how you are using your labor for love. Are your routines matching your values? Are you putting in work to ensure that you aren’t taking your loves for granted? Love don’t cost a thing, but it takes work.


March 21 – April 19

This is a happy transit, Aries, because you are being urged to reinvest and remember what brings you bliss. As children, we find natural enjoyment in being creative and playful, and we can still hold onto those things as adults despite the societal pressure to “grow up.” Reinvigorate your playtime. One thing to be wary of though: look out for past flings to return and make really intentional decisions about them. 


April 20 – May 20

How does your home reflect your values? Is it just a place to be when you’re not out and about, or does it really feel like a place that you love to be in when you are there? Check in with your relationship to your home, and make sure that it is a reciprocal one. If you are good to your home it will be very good to you. 


May 21 – June 21

Expression and communication are more than just sterile words and empty phrases. The way we communicate is a vehicle for our values and shows who and what we love. If there is more than one way to share something, figure out the way that really carries your intentions with it. “Good afternoon” is much different than “Good to see you.” Now is the time to get creative with your language. 


June 22 – July 22

Do you feel an urge to do a Marie Kondo-esque purge of the things in your life that do not spark your joy? Perfect timing. If the things you surround yourself with elicit love, you will only dive deeper in love with yourself. In the same vein, it is an ideal time to get thoughtful about how you are earning and spending money. If your values are at stake in your finances, it’s time for a rewrite.