a scuba diver taking a picture of a coral reef
Diving is a popular activity in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, which is accepting applications until Feb. 15 for 11 seats on its advisory council. FKNMS/Contributed

The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary seeks applicants for 11 seats on its Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC).

Three citizen-at-large seats are among the 11 openings in the latest round of recruitment for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council. The council ensures public participation in the management of the sanctuary by acting as a liaison between the Florida Keys community and sanctuary superintendent and staff. 

Council members provide advice about sanctuary operations and projects, while striving to represent the diverse user groups that make up the sanctuary community. Those user groups include fishermen, divers, charter operators, environmentalists and conservation advocates, along with citizens at large who are unaffiliated with a particular marine industry.

Council members provide expertise on both the local community and sanctuary resources, strengthen connections with the community, and help build increased stewardship for sanctuary resources.

The council is accepting applications for the following seats:

– Citizen at large: Middle Keys (primary),

– Citizen at large: Lower Keys (primary and alternate),

– Conservation and environment: Seat 1 of 2 (primary),

– Diving: Upper Keys (alternate),

– Diving: Lower Keys (primary and alternate),

– Education and outreach (primary),

– Fishing: Charter flats (primary), and

– Fishing: Commercial marine life/tropical (primary and alternate).

Application materials including seat descriptions are posted at

Applications are due by Feb. 15 and will not be considered if they are not received electronically or postmarked by Feb. 15.  For more information, contact the council coordinator at or 305-434-9372.