The Keys Weekly is proud to introduce local students to the Kids Weekly feature. Instead of asking about their favorite teacher or school subject, we want to know what superpower they’d most like to have, their favorite YouTube channel and the hardest part about being a kid today.

To have your fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth graders included, please contact Key West Editor Mandy Miles at for the questionnaire and directions for photo submissions. 

Name:  Meredith Barton
School: Sigsbee Charter School
Grade: 6th 
Activities: Hang out with my friends.

What superpower would you most like to have, and why? I would like to read minds so I can read my mom’s and brother’s minds.

If you could make a rule for the whole world to follow, what would it be? Stop judging people!

What makes you laugh? Making eye contact with friends and knowing exactly what they are thinking.

When do you think a kid is old enough to have a cell phone? 10

What’s your favorite YouTube Channel?  None.

The hardest part about being a kid is … when your parents think you are too young to understand something.

The hardest part about being an adult must be … paying bills and finding time for yourself.
When I grow up, I want to … become an engineer.  

We thank our future leaders and Plantation Key School for allowing us to share in a weekly dose of “Panthers” pride and for giving us a glimpse into their world.

Name: Camille Greenwald Brown
School: Plantation Key School 
Grade: 4 
Activities: Soccer

What superpower would you most like to have, and why? Flying, it would be fun!

If you could make a rule for the whole world to follow, what would it be? I would want everyone to be kind. 

What makes you laugh? A lot of things.

When do you think a kid is old enough to have a cell phone? 9 years old.

What’s your favorite YouTube Channel? Pierson. 

The hardest part about being a kid is … getting in trouble with your parents.

The hardest part about being an adult must be … being a parent. 

When I grow up, I want to … be a professional soccer player.