This year marks the eighth installment of The Bubbas: Key West People’s Choice Awards. Over that span, nearly 1,000 winners have been named, while over $100,000 has been raised for local nonprofits. Earlier this week, we asked Key West Weekly owner and publisher Britt Myers which elements of the Bubbas he’s most proud of, and it was an easy answer…
“Obviously when you are able to raise money for any of our local nonprofits, it always gives you a broader sense of community and reminds you of what’s important here at home,” Myers said. “Outside of that, my favorite part of the Bubbas has always been the event. A lot of people think we love to get on stage and revel in the attention. The truth is, that part brings me the most anxiety every year. I literally dread it until we are up there, as I’m always more comfortable behind the scenes. But the best part of the evening is always the people at the event. It’s the one evening that so many different people, from different walks of life, come together and laugh with one another. It’s a night when everyone can simply check their egos at the door and let their guard down.”
As the nomination process continues this week at, we took a look back at some memorable faces during the past eight years. Some we hope to see again…while others we remember and celebrate for all they contributed to Key West and our community. Either way, we remind everyone to have fun with this contest. After all, winners are subjective. But the experiences and bonds of a community are enduring. Thanks for allowing us to play our small part here in Key West and we look forward to an evening of smiles and laughter on July 24.