Heck, if volunteering were a sport, the Keys would win gold in the Olympics. The Keys are passionate about supporting causes and one of the best parts of the holidays in the Florida Keys is all the parties to raise funds. Sadly, the pandemic has canceled those. 

Here’s the next best thing: Put on a sparkly blouse or light a stogie and park yourself in front of the computer to do some online shopping for exactly the same people. 

Increasingly, Keys nonprofits are turning to Amazon wish lists to fill organizational needs. 

“The wish list is a great way for animal lovers to help the Florida Keys SPCA,” said executive director Tammy Fox. “And I think our supporters like the idea of being able to personalize their donations. They might want to buy a warming pad for the Marathon shelter’s spay and neuter clinic or purchase a stuffed animal with a ‘beating’ heart to comfort kittens and puppies in Key West.”

The best way to find out about a wish list is to visit the organization’s website. Click through the donate buttons until you find the wish list and then purchase as normal. Amazon removes items as they are purchased, to avoid the charity from receiving duplicate (unneeded) gifts. 

A couple more tips: Trying to find the organization’s wish list starting from the Amazon website is an exercise in frustration … so, just don’t. Once you click through from the organization’s website to the Amazon wish list, click on the “remember” button to be able to visit again. 

There’s another way to support local charities registered with Amazon, by shopping at Smile Amazon. Simply log onto instead of A donation of 0.5% of eligible purchases will be made at no extra cost to the purchaser to the organization. This is definitely the gift that keeps on giving, but it should be noted that Amazon will get the donation benefit on its end-of-the-year taxes, not the giver.

Super pro tip: Find this article at and just click on the links to make digital donations to support local causes. 


Click on the donate button at and learn about the 12 ways to give to the animal shelter that serves the public in Key West, the Lower and Middle Keys. Givers can sign up to give a monthly donation, visit the Amazon wish list, buy a brick or even donate a vehicle. 

Wesley House

Scroll down to the Holiday Helper button and get clickin’. Wesley House, a registered nonprofit,  runs Monroe County’s child welfare system in the Keys including adoption, family support and prevention services. It participates in the Holiday Helpers program of the Florida Keys and givers can select gifts ranging from kids crafts to makeup mirrors to art supplies to sports equipment. Wesley House serves all of Monroe County.


www.educationalcoalition.orgThis site needs to be accessed through one of the board members’ Facebook pages. Friend Christina Belotti and scroll down the posts until you find the one about the Amazon wish list. The ECMC makes Christmas happen for middle and high school students in special circumstances at Marathon Middle High School. The wish list includes gifts of gym bags, skin care products, sneakers and fragrance. 

Sara Matthis
Sara Matthis thinks community journalism is important, but not serious; likes weird and wonderful children (she has two); and occasionally tortures herself with sprint-distance triathlons, but only if she has a good chance of beating her sister.