Joyce Griffin, Monroe County’s supervisor of elections, is telling all candidates, “Now that the election is over, it’s time to take those campaign signs down. I know this can be more difficult than it sounds because candidates often have friends, relatives and supporters hang signs for them in unknown places,” Griffin said, urging supporters to help their candidates find and remove their signs.
Campaign sign removal is the law:
106.1435 Usage and removal of political campaign advertisements.—
(1) Each candidate, whether for a federal, state, county, or district office, shall make a good faith effort to remove all of his or her political campaign advertisements within 30 days after:
(a) Withdrawal of his or her candidacy;
(b) Having been eliminated as a candidate; or
(c) Being elected to office.
However, a candidate is not expected to remove those political campaign advertisements which are in the form of signs used by an outdoor advertising business as provided in chapter 479. The provisions herein do not apply to political campaign advertisements placed on motor vehicles or to campaign messages designed to be worn by persons.
(2) If political campaign advertisements are not removed within the specified period, the political subdivision or governmental entity has the authority to remove such advertisements and may charge the candidate the actual cost for such removal. Funds collected for removing such advertisements shall be deposited to the general revenue of the political subdivision.
(3) Pursuant to chapter 479, no political campaign advertisements shall be erected, posted, painted, tacked, nailed, or otherwise displayed, placed, or located on or above any state or county road right-of-way.
(4) The officer before whom a candidate qualifies for office shall notify the candidate, in writing, of the provisions in this section.
(5) This provision does not preclude municipalities from imposing additional or more stringent requirements on the usage and removal of political campaign advertisements.