The 2024 Florida disaster preparedness sales tax holiday provides residents with the opportunity to purchase qualifying disaster preparedness supplies tax-free during two 14-day periods. The 2024 tax holidays are now through Friday, June 15, and again Saturday, Aug. 24 through Friday, Sept. 6.
Eligible items include pet leashes, collars and muzzles costing $20 or less; flashlights, lanterns and pet beds costing $40 or less; batteries and weather radios costing $50 or less; coolers costing $60 or less; smoke detectors costing $70 or less; tarps costing $100 or less; and generators costing $3,000 or less. A full list of tax-free items is available at floridarevenue.com/disasterprep.
Stock a disaster supply kit for the entire household, including pets, for at least seven days. The complete disaster supply kit checklist is available for download at floridadisaster.org/kit.For go-to storm prep tips, visit the Keys Weekly’s annual Hurricane Guide at keysweekly.com/florida-keys-hurricane-guides/.