The Keys Weekly Newspaper’s account manager, Lisa Wojciechowski, recently stopped by Mariners Hospital to donate more than 40 pouches to nurses as a thank you. The pouches can be used by nurses to put their phones and other personal items in when they are on break. Each pouch contains a Keys Weekly koozie, tissues and nail file. “It was something I wanted to do to express appreciation to nurses during this time and during National Nurses Week,” Wojciechowski said.
Cheryl Cottrell, vice president of nursing at Mariners and Fishermen’s, received the donation and said the hospitals are awed by the way people have expressed appreciation to nurses and health care workers in this current pandemic. “We always think of ourselves as partners in the community, and we do what we do because nurses like to take care of people,” she said. National Nurses Appreciation Day was May 6. National Nurses Appreciation Week goes now through Tuesday, May 12.