Hey, Key West residents, it’s time to renew your Residential Parking Permit for Old Town. All residential parking stickers expire on Oct. 31, no matter when you bought it. The stickers on your windshield helps ensure marked residential parking spaces are reserved for residents.
If you already have last year’s permit, you can just renew it online for another year. Visit cityofkeywestpermits.rmcpay.com, scan the QR code below or stop by the rear entrance to City Hall, 1300 White St., Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
After Oct. 31 last year’s permits will no longer be valid for parking in the spaces marked “Residential” in the historic neighborhoods, nor will they grant residents their 4 hours of free parking (one time per day) in select city parking lots.
This year’s Residential Parking Permits will be mailed to the address on file when you apply or renew online.
The permits cost $39.13 for a full year of parking. First-time applicants will need to upload proof of residency, a valid driver’s license and vehicle registration to qualify for a residential permit.
In addition to ensuring that residents can park in the marked residential spaces, the permit allows for free parking for up to four hours, one time per day, by redeeming that time at the pay station or in the Passport parking app. The free four hours of parking is available in the following lots:
- Fire Station #2 in the 600 block of Simonton — Zone 33054
- Key West Bight main lot in the 800 block of Caroline — Zone 33046
- Park N Ride garage in the 300 block of Grinnell — Zone 33048
- Truman Waterfront Park (except during events) — Zone 33051
- Smathers Beach on-street parking on South Roosevelt Blvd — Zone 33053
- Jackson Square behind the county courthouse, nights and weekends only — Zone 33049