They’re quick with a joke, always seem to be fixing something, and live for the chance to embarrass their children. But at the end of the day, plenty of dads have the unofficial job title of “superhero” for their kids and families. As is tradition, the Keys Weekly is proud to present some of the Middle Keys’ finest dads as we prepare to celebrate them this Sunday. From all of us to the dads out there in the Keys and beyond, happy Father’s Day.


What makes him a great dad? Jessie is a very loving, supportive and engaging dad! As a blended co-parenting family, we are all very grateful for him.

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? Jessie’s best “dad habit” is being there and always spending time with the kids and doing things with them. 

Is there anything on his “honey-do list” that you’ve been waiting forever for? “We’re going streaking!”

Submitted by Megan Hughes.


What makes him a great dad? It would have to be how he helps the community and his family, and how kind and caring he is.

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? Absolutely being an amazing grill boss. Getting into grilling as much as he did and seeing such success and dedication to it as a craft and hobby has made him noticeably happier. We’re glad he could get back into it, especially after not really being able to since we left Georgia.

Is there anything on his “honey-do list” that you’ve been waiting forever for? Fortunately, not really! He pretty much does things right away, so no complaints.

Submitted by his family.


What makes him a great dad? From the voice of his two daughters: “Papa is funny. Papa is strong. Papa loves his family.”

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? Papa helps people and fixes things.

Is there anything on his “honey-do list” that you’ve been waiting forever for? No. He is a checklist kind of man, so as long as it makes the list, it gets done!

Submitted by his family.


What makes him a great dad? Sean is an amazing dad because he is so patient and willing to work hard for our family. He is a great role model for our kids.

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? His best dad skill is cooking, and not just grilling. Sean has no problem making meals for us all. He also takes care of the “boy jobs” like heavy lifting, dealing with strangers, and gross jobs I would rather not do.

Is there anything on his “honey-do list” that you’ve been waiting forever for? In June we will celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. I gave up on honey-do lists years ago.

Submitted by his wife Tracy.


What makes him a great dad? Marco goes to any length to make sure the whole family is well taken care of. He is selfless, thoughtful and has a great sense of humor.

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? His best skill is making our son laugh, even in the middle of a meltdown. That, in addition to being the best chef in town!

Is there anything on his “honey-do list” that you’ve been waiting forever for? He’s very diligent and is up to date on the honey-do list.

Submitted by his wife Catalina.


What makes him a great dad? He’s a great dad because he is funny, but strict when he has to be, and he supports us in everything we do, especially dance and soccer.

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? His best “dad habit” is his ability to make us laugh with a corny dad joke, even if we aren’t in the best of moods. 

Is there anything on his “honey-do list” that you’ve been waiting forever for? An item on the “honey-do” list that we have been waiting for him to do for what seems like forever is putting the last of the Christmas decorations away!

Submitted by his wife Jamie.


What makes him a great dad? When our daughter Ariana was born, my dad gave TJ some advice: Spend time with your kids; that’s the best gift a dad can ever give. TJ took it to heart and helped coach all their sports and loved every minute of it.

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? If there’s a problem or need, he won’t give up until he finds a solution.

Is there anything on his “honey-do” list that you’ve been waiting forever for? Cleaning out his closet of clothes that don’t fit or he no longer wears.

Submitted by his wife Anneke.


What makes him a great dad? He involves Elise in his hobbies and supports hers.

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? He can, and will, fix everything.

Is there anything on his “honey-do” list that you’ve been waiting forever for? Building my 1970s Challenger.

Submitted by his wife Kimmie.


What makes him a great dad? One of my father’s life lessons was advising me that you have to work for what you want, nothing is given to you. He always puts everyone before himself and is always there to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it.

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? He’s an amazing fisherman.

Is there anything on his “honey-do” list that you’ve been waiting forever for? Take more time for himself.

Submitted by his daughter Kristy.


What makes him a great dad? Sam is the absolute coolest dad! He’s got a heart of gold and loves Mia more than anything in the world. He’s always up for adventure and sharing new experiences. He’s got a seriously impressive work ethic and is always working hard to provide for his family. I love watching Mia learn from him just watching him in action.

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill? It’s spending quality time with Mia. It’s heartwarming to see how much he cherishes those 15 minutes of undivided attention with her while driving to school. His habit of teaching her affirmations and repeating them while driving not only creates a positive mindset for Mia but also strengthens their bond as father and daughter.

Is there anything on his “honey-do” list that you’ve been waiting forever for? Are you kidding? Sam doesn’t have a honey-do list. He has a “Honey! Call someone else to do it!” list.  He’s too busy working!

Submitted by his wife Kelly.


What makes him a great dad?

One thing that makes Mac such a great dad is how involved he is. From doctor’s appointments to field trips to coaching the kids in sports, he makes an effort to be there for everything he can. 

What’s his best “dad habit” or skill?

His best dad skill is his super high energy. When I’m worn out at the end of the day, he’s still going like the Energizer Bunny cooking dinner, bathing kids and having family music jams (one of his other awesome dad skills!)

Is there anything on his “honey-do” list that you’ve been waiting forever for?

A major perk of his high energy is that nothing stays on the honey-do list too long. There’s a honey-don’t list, though – that includes not asking me questions in the morning before coffee!

Submitted by his wife Teri.

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Alex Rickert
Alex Rickert made the perfectly natural career progression from dolphin trainer to newspaper editor in 2021 after freelancing for Keys Weekly while working full time at Dolphin Research Center. A resident of Marathon since 2015, he fell in love with the Florida Keys community by helping multiple organizations and friends rebuild in the wake of Hurricane Irma. An avid runner, actor, and spearfisherman, he spends as much of his time outside of work on or under the sea having civil disagreements with sharks.