One hour a week makes a huge difference, and volunteers are welcome every Friday and some Saturday mornings, from 8 to 9 a.m., when the Key West Ploggers clean up a designated area of the island.
Gloves, pickers, buckets, vests, hand sanitizer and a parking pass are provided to all volunteers.
A troubling number of cigarette butts and plastic bags have been included in recent hauls. Please remember your reusable bags when shopping so we can keep the plastic off the streets, parking lots and, most importantly, out of the water. And dispose of cigarette butts in any receptacle rather than the street or sidewalk, as from there, they easily end up in the ocean.
The city of Key West and its residents ask everyone to do their part to help keep Key West beautiful. With simple steps like making sure you bag your trash before putting it in your Waste Management trash cans or Dumpsters, and making sure the lids on Dumpsters are closed, will keep a lot of trash from blowing into the streets. Call Waste Management at 305-296-8297 for any furniture items left on the city right of way.
Please pick up around your home or apartment complex. Every piece of trash picked up is one less that may end up in the ocean that surrounds and sustains our island community. It is not just the large items you can see easily when you are walking, but the smaller items such as bottle caps and cigarette butts that are collected by the volunteers that make the biggest difference.
It takes committed community involvement to keep Key West beautiful and we are making progress with every cleanup event and every spot that’s adopted. Call Dorian Patton at 305-809-3782 to find out how your business, nonprofit or club can help.
Join a one-hour Friday morning cleanup at the following locations. All times are 8 to 9 a.m. unless otherwise noted.
Oct. 4: Mallory Square | Meet in the parking lot closest to the dumpster. Hosted by Ocean Key Resort & Spa
Oct 11: Atlantic Blvd. & White Street | Meet at the bocce courts. Hosted by Chris Massicotte.
Oct. 18: Duval & Eaton streets | Meet on Eaton next to Berkshire Hathaway. Hosted by Berkshire Hathaway Knight & Gardner Realty.
Oct. 25: White & United streets | Meet in the back of the city hall parking lot.