Ready or not, here they come.
How did this holiday season happen so quickly? Fourth of July feels like yesterday, and just two weeks ago, we were watching an- other potential hurricane form. And yet, here we are, with the Keys Weekly’s 2024 edition of Holidays in the Keys.
After the turmoil of an election and the uncertainty of storm season, we figured we’d get back to basics with this issue and sprinkle some treasured traditions and holiday nostalgia through- out these pages. Back to the days of toy trains, baby dolls and build- ing blocks. Before bluetooth speakers and rechargeable batteries, when the most technologically advanced gift under the tree was a new record player.
In other words, the “fun, old-fashioned family Christmas,” that Clark W. Griswold tried to recreate in National Lampoon’s “Christ- mas Vacation.” Of course, that went about as well as can be ex- pected.
In this issue, Erin Stover digs into the making of that modern Christmas classic, complete with tree sap, snarled lights and cra- zy cousins. And Raffie Baker takes us to the picturesque, real-life towns featured in Hallmark holiday movies, where ridiculously charming town squares and welcoming inns actually exist.
We also travel the world, exploring countries and cultures that celebrate holidays other than Christmas.
Our resident island astrologer, Chris McNulty, brings us our new year horoscopes with the prediction that 2025 will be a year of settling into new energy. Annie Briening introduces us to the TikTok trend of a Favorite Things party, a refreshing new take on the old Secret Santa gift exchanges.
Mark Hedden reveals how the Robert DeNiro spy movie “Ronin” became a Christmas classic in his household. Karen Newfield in- troduces a collection of holiday-themed books that offer a blend of mistletoe, menorahs and magic.
I relived my Christmases past in a column about the holidays as a kid, when everything on our list was “some assembly required.” (Sorry about those late nights, Dad.)
Our creative director, Stephanie Mitchell, introduces a new — and more fun — way to view New Year’s resolutions.
We’ve also included a list of Keyswide holiday events as well as local charities that could use our support at the holidays and throughout the year.
And finally, our annual holiday magazine wouldn’t be complete without our gift guide — several pages of perfect holiday gifts, all available at local retailers throughout the Florida Keys.
So turn the A/C down, snuggle up with a cup of cocoa and start this season.
From our families to yours, we wish you the happiest of holidays and a wonderful new year.
Click on the cover below to read.