As all the Pride glitter settles on Key West, Mercury is moving into a canoodle with the sun and Venus, which have been conjoined for about a month now, highlighting the people, places and things we love while helping us to love ourselves. This past week may have brought about a challenge to define our position in important relationships by setting boundaries and expectations as the sun and Venus moved into a conflicting square with hard-nosed Saturn. As Mercury enters the mix, we will naturally start to analyze and communicate all we’ve learned the past month, particularly in the last week, with some necessary objectivity and distance. This progression of transits is like envisioning a beautiful image of how you want to renovate your living room, then realizing with crushing reality the work it will entail, but finally enacting a step-by-step plan to achieve your goal. 

Here are your horoscopes for Mercury-sun-Venus square Saturn. Read for your rising and sun signs.


May 21 – June 21

You have been basking in the appreciation of other people for several weeks now, allowing you to experience a self-love that comes naturally when your beauty is reflected back in the eyes of others. While the constraints of your work and career have recently kept your ego in check, now is the time to develop a clear plan forward so you can sustain the joy of self you’ve been experiencing within long-term career goals. 


June 22 – July 22

If you’ve been feeling a little isolated, you’re right on time. Counterintuitively, spending time alone has been nourishing you in ways that have helped you to feel more connected to others. There is a possibility for self-sabotage, however, so don’t over-isolate. The difficulty of going on the adventure you seek may have you feeling trapped, but use this time to separate yourself from anxiety and get objective.


July 23 – Aug. 22

It has been a real party this past month, surrounded by loving friends and social supports. While there may be some debts or other obligations that have put a damper on things, you can now think clearly about how to prioritize your interpersonal relationships while also honoring your agreements. Talk to yourself as though you were giving advice to another person.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22  

There are some really good things happening with your vocation and public reputation. It’s as if a magnet is pulling you into greater recognition. An important partnership may be feeling like a wet towel in comparison, but you are developing some necessary maturity by navigating this dynamic. Under this sky, think clearly about how you can achieve your goals and structure your relationship in a way that works.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

You have been on quite the adventure these past few weeks, as though you’ve been granted a beautiful new vantage point to see your world. We can’t always be doing new things, however, and you’ve realized that the everyday chores and general maintenance of life are a hard reality. Right now, you are able to think more clearly about how to maintain a life of learning.


Oct. 24 – Nov. 21

I venture to say that you’ve been working on a group project that has been focused on beautification or community-building. In the past week or so, your own creative needs have been creeping in, forcing you to set some boundaries with your comrades. Now, you have an opportunity to think clearly about how you can continue to work with others while also allowing your own work to mature.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

You have really been showing up for others lately, finding your own beauty by focusing on the important people in your life. While home and family issues may present difficulties that cramp your style, they are also forcing you to make wise choices. You are being offered the chance to step back and think clearly about how to maintain your most important relationships while honoring your home needs.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Have you been forming graceful habits lately? It looks as though you have fallen into a beautiful groove that allows you to do your chores and meet your obligations in a way that feels in flow. Some boundary-setting with your neighbors or siblings may be challenging your routines, but you have an opportunity to strategize on how to sort that out so you can stay in the groove.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Your own artistry has been front and center lately. However you produce creative works, I imagine the ingenuity has been flowing out of you. Finances may have sprung up as a particular difficulty lately, but fear not! This sky is offering you the ability to take a step back and figure out how to prioritize your creative expression while also filling your financial needs.


Feb. 19 – March 20

Your home and family life seem to be experiencing a special harmony right now, bringing you a lot of joy. However, it appears that you are in a position to be a disciplinarian or the arbiter of hard truths. You can love and appreciate your family while also setting important boundaries with them. Right now, you are being offered a clear line of thought on how to achieve this.


March 21 – April 19

Being out and about in your neighborhood and your familiar surroundings has been particularly joyful. It appears, however, that there is work that needs done that requires you to isolate. There are deep lessons available to you if you take some time alone. Over the next few days, you can think very clearly about how to find your balance.


April 20 – May 20

It appears that you’ve experienced some financial boons lately. I’m not saying you won the lottery, but some grace and stability are taking place with your finances. You may have some friends who are giving you a much-needed reality check when it comes to your spending. Heed them. But also, you are being granted a perspective on how to be financially responsible on your own.