Astrology Column

Happy (astrological) New Year! The spring equinox took place March 19, the day of equal hours of light and darkness, marking the transition into the light half of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. We have spent six months in darkness, immersed in collective themes that challenged our individuality and required sacrifice for the greater good. Now, as the sun enters the sign of Aries, we emerge as courageous individuals, ready to take on the world with the wisdom we gained by putting the needs of the collective above our own. So, stand victorious and venture forth to do great things, make mistakes, and forge your own destiny.

 Happy birthday to our Aries Rams. As we cross the threshold into Aries, the planets Venus and Saturn are coming together in the sign of Pisces. Venus oversees relationships, beauty and grace whereas Saturn represents constriction, maturity and fear. When these two entities come together, we can expect our relationships to come of age or come to an end, for our notions of the beautiful to become manifest and real, for death to be regarded as exquisite, and for time to feel elegant. However this transit shows up for you, know that the love forged now has the potential to last a lifetime. 

Here are your horoscopes for the Venus-Saturn Conjunction. Read for your rising and sun signs.


March 21 – April 19

Happy birthday, Rams. The sun is finally shining upon you, and you can show us all your fresh suit of armor. As you peruse and filter out the unconscious impulses that no longer serve your greater good, take time to see the beauty in how they used to serve you. For example, an irrational fear of water once protected an inner child who discovered they couldn’t breathe in the bathtub. Appreciate and let go. 


April 20 – May 20

As you navigate this time of committing to mature friendships and ending nonessential friendships, find the grace in the process. Not all endings need to be difficult. They can fall away with appreciation. Find the people in your life who are in it for the long haul and shine all the love you can muster on them. 


May 21 – June 21

You are stepping into your authority at work, which is not always an easy process. Whether you are the boss of other people or simply the boss of yourself, remember there is a style and an elegance to leadership that permits you to dance rather than bark orders. Does your leadership flow through the workspace rather than look down upon it? Appreciate your choreography.


June 22 – July 22

In order to make space for something new in your life, you must also cut out the possibilities that will no longer be available. If you decide to be a baker, you can no longer hold out for the chance of being a candlestick maker. For now anyway. While it can be hard to let go of potential futures, there is so much beauty in carving out new life chances for yourself. Find joy in the trimming.


July 23 – Aug. 22

You can’t invest in every project that comes your way. There are simply too many important causes that need time, energy and money. However, rising into maturity involves choosing the cause that brings you personal joy and makes your heart sing. You are being given the opportunity to make that determination now, Leo. Listen to your heart.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22  

Partnerships go through many iterations. Right now, a significant relationship in your life is ending in one way or another. Perhaps it is taking a new form through recommitment or perhaps one of you is walking away. Find the grace in the breakdown and waltz into the breakthrough. This shift is significant in the big picture.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

The National Institute of Health says it takes about 10 weeks of daily repetition to form a habit. While that may seem daunting, under this sky you have the capacity to find ease and beauty in the process of forming lifelong routines. You are the authority on your life and what is healthful for you, so fall in love with letting go of unsupportive habits and forging new ones.


Oct. 24 – Nov. 21

Sometimes creativity comes out of nowhere and all at once, and sometimes it takes long periods of time and lots of practice. You are being granted the wherewithal to dive into an extended creative phase and the loving commitment to do it. What will be your magnum opus and how long will you give yourself? Patience and playing in the process are your guiding methods.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Safe and stable housing is not a guarantee, and for some it is a far-off goal. Right now, Sag, you have the opportunity to fall into a home situation that you will love and that will last a long time. Signing a lease or a mortgage right now would be highly recommended. If housing is not part of your story right now, a highlight on the longevity of your family relationships is also at play. Love on your elders.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Words have lasting impact, and right now your words can go down in history. Consider your messaging, and remember that form is just as important as function. Beautiful words are palatable, but substantial words are nourishing. If I were to give you a symbol for the method of communication you might want to use, I would offer haiku. Short. Poetic. To the point. 


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

“A penny saved is a penny earned” is a pretty Scrooge-y phrase. It implies being thrifty and, perhaps, even stingy. But, right now, it’s also a pretty good idea. Being conservative with your money will be a great benefit to you in the long run. Unlike Scrooge, however, avoid being “a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner,” and hold your money loosely and with grace. 


Feb. 19 – March 20

How do you hold yourself as an authority in your own life? No matter where you are on your life’s journey, you have the opportunity to live into your old-soul nature right now. Stand tall knowing that you have wisdom beyond your years. Sometimes, sharing that knowledge can come across as cold and patronizing. But right now, you also have the elegance to teach with a soft touch.