A NEW BEGINNING – VFW Post opens in Key Largo

A NEW BEGINNING – VFW Post opens in Key Largo - A group of people standing in front of a crowd posing for the camera - Key West
The ribbon’s cut to mark the beginning of Arthur’s Island Kitchen at The Post in Key Largo on Saturday. Jason Kendall, Marine vet and VFW Post 10211 quartermaster, cuts the ribbon alongside Dennis Ward, state attorney and VFW Post 10211 commander. JIM McCARTHY/Keys Weekly

Veterans and patrons walking through the doors of VFW Post 10211 in Key Largo can expect a reinvigorated look and a family-friendly atmosphere. 

With help from the community and the hard work put forth by several, there’s new, fresh feel for the post that once fell into decline before closing its doors. Jason Kendall, retired Marine major, and fellow veterans took ownership. From there, cleanup and renovation commenced. 

On Saturday, the community came together for a grand opening of the post and Arthur’s Island Restaurant at The Post. Kendall said the post wouldn’t be what it is today without the community’s support and the work by volunteers. 

Elizabeth Moscynski, Key Largo Chamber of Commerce president, and Eileen Eadie, Key Largo Chamber of Commerce vice president, speak with Jason Kendall, VFW Post 10211 quartermaster and Dennis Ward, VFW Post 10211 commander, before the ribbon cutting. JIM McCARTHY/Keys Weekly

“They were the driving force in helping me get this thing done.” Kendall said. “We finally got done what we wanted to get done here for the veterans in Key Largo. We have a decent establishment for the community to enjoy.”

Dennis Ward, post commander and state attorney, said Kendall and his work party did an excellent job in recreating the VFW Post in Key Largo. Now, he said there’s a decent establishment for the community to enjoy.

“We’re bringing it into the 21st century and we’ve come a long way,” Ward said. “We have a great chef who serves very good Caribbean style food.”

Denis Nerney, VFW district 5 officer from Homestead, said he was asked to come down and check out the post. He said there’s now a better establishment for veterans to bring their families. 

“These VFW clubs through time have been doing OK, but basically we’re all getting older,” Nerney said. “There’s a young veteran out there who probably doesn’t smoke, but not only that, who wants a better place for his family to come.”

John Donnelly, trustee at the post, said he couldn’t be more pleased with what’s happened.  He said it’s coming out of the dark ages to the 21st century.

“It’s an excellent combination and coordination of so many generous people,” he said.  There were volunteers and businesses and those who gave money. It was really a group effort. Without people in community who stood up, we wouldn’t have succeeded.”

Upper Keys VFW Post 10211 and Arthur’s Island Restaurant at the Post are located at 102255 Overseas Highway. For more information, visit Upper Keys VFW Post 10211 & Auxiliary’s Facebook page. 

Arthur’s Island Kitchen employees are busy at work during its grand opening last Saturday. JIM McCARTHY/Keys Weekly
Jim McCarthy
Jim McCarthy is one of the many who escaped the snow and frigid temperatures in Western New York. A former crime & court reporter and city editor for two Western New York newspapers, Jim has been honing his craft since he graduated from St. Bonaventure University in 2014. In his 5-plus years in the Keys, Jim has enjoyed connecting with the community. Jim is past president of the Key Largo Sunset Rotary Club. When he's not working, he's busy chasing his son, Lucas, around the house and enjoying time with family.