Gabriel Sanchez

Gabriel Sanchez is a Marathon native, Navy veteran, and struggling musician. He’s living proof that great things … are short and have good hair (including facial). Sixty percent of the time, he makes 90 percent of the deadlines.

Honor, Courage, Commitment

Upper Keys fishing guide Sergeant Ben Trainer is everything you’d want in a United States Marine. He’s passionate, hardworking, honest, loyal and caring. From...

Porthole to the Soul

Prior to living on their 34 foot sailboat the “Aundrea Lynn,” artist Valerie Perreault and her husband, Andy Downs, rented a home adjacent to...

Erin Muir: Heritage and Home

Erin Muir’s roots run deep in the coral rock of the Upper Keys. The newest addition, 10-month-old Violet, (a seventh-generation Conch on her mother’s...

Filmmaker Landau to the rescue

The Community Foundation of the Florida Keys’ recovery efforts gained a big helping hand recently, when Islamorada residents Jon and Julie Landau created the...

Snappers owner keeps staff intact, looks ahead

“Keep them working,” was the only thing Snappers Restaurant owner Peter Althuis thought to do with his staff of about 80 employees since the...


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