Tiffany Duong

Tiff Duong is a self-made mermaid who loves all things cheesy (romantic and dairy) and thrives in the 3 am hour. She believes in leaving it all on the field and has never met a (mis)adventure she didn't love.

Initiative measures value of local reefs

A team of scientists from Florida International University and The Nature Conservancy are setting out to show the ocean from a new point of...

Shore to Sea: Marine education by locals for locals

In the Keys, life revolves around the ocean, the animals that live there, and the life it supports. MarineLab knows the ocean and wants...

“We are all on the same team, like it or not.”

There are so many things I love about this plan. I, of course, love the expansion of the sanctuary line. I love expanding the...

“I’d rather be fishing, but the collapsing fisheries brought me to the table.”

I serve on the Sanctuary Advisory Council representing recreational fishermen, from guides to anglers, and the interests of flats guides. Everything is declining. We’ve...

No more ‘lost opportunities’

At the September BOCC meeting, Monroe County Commissioners voted to approve three separate agenda items to improve workforce training in Monroe County. Kicked off...


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