St. James Children’s Center’s fourth annual read-a-thon is taking place throughout March. This fundraiser encourages students to read while raising money for the nonprofit preschool and voluntary pre-kindergarten program.
During the read-a-thon, students will log the books they read and collect pledges based on their reading progress. Donations directly support instructional materials, books, arts and crafts supplies, playground equipment, nutritious snacks and health and safety resources that enrich students’ daily experiences.
“The read-a-thon is a special tradition at St. James that not only fosters a lifelong love of reading but also strengthens our school community,” said Michelle Lane, director of the children’s center. “It’s inspiring to see our young learners so engaged with books while making a meaningful impact on their school.”
Community members can support the students’ efforts at https://stjames.rallyup.com/read. Supporters can make a flat donation, pledge a specific amount per book read or contribute to a class or general fund. Event sponsorships are also available.
St. James Children’s Center was founded in 1984 and is a nonprofit preschool, a ministry of St. James the Fisherman Episcopal Church to the Upper Keys community. The objective is to provide each child with a healthy environment in which to grow.More information is available at stjamespreschoolfundraising@gmail.com or 305-852-2161.