Stoned Swimmer in the Slammer
Deputy struggles to keep man from drowning himself
Long Key – A Monroe County Sheriff's deputy was injured Saturday night as he struggled to keep a Miami man...
Reward Grows for Speared Turtle
The total reward is now $10,750, plus three free dives, three free fishing trips and eight hours of free welding and fabrication!
On August 9, Save-A-Turtle of the...
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Everything you need to know about garbage and recycling in the Keys
By Jason Koler
An average family of four produces approximately three tons of solid waste each year.
The Band is Back
Musical tradition continues at Key West High
By Jason Koler
They went back to work early this month.
“We’re the first to start and the last to end,” said Gary...
The Oldest Schoolhouse
When zipping around town on our daily errands, taking kids to school or managing careers, it’s easy to overlook the historical significance of countless buildings on the...
Off To College
FKCC welcomes first students to residence hall
By Jason Koler
Dominic Crapello cannot open his bedroom window, but the first year Florida Keys Community College student couldn’t care less...
Picture Perfect on Pigeon Key
by Jason Koler
Eddie Bauer’s catalogue will be out….soon; and when it does Florida Keys residents will recognize the unmistakable scenery when deciding whether to order the Boundary...
From Glass Blower to Celebrity Chef
Former LVA student giving back
Viktor Slavov immigrated to Key West 14 years ago with what he called, at best, only basic English skills.
A glass blower by trade,...
Switlik Halloween Carnival Next Weekend
PTO still in need of volunteers and silent auction items
Stanley Switlik Elementary school will be holding their annual Halloween Carnival on Saturday, Oct. 22 from 9 am...
Veteran’s Day Parade in Marathon Nov. 5
Round up the family and join the Veteran’s Council in honoring our veterans on November 5. The parade route will be on US 1, from the Boot...