When will daycares open?

This past week, Monroe County announced it will not reopen to visitors until June, possibly. In the meantime, it plans to gradually reopen non-essential businesses to locals...

Monroe County names next Executive Director of Teaching and Learning

Longtime Gerald Adams principal and veteran educator, Dr. Fran Herrin has been chosen as Monroe County School District’s next Executive Director of Teaching and Learning, according to...

Incoming superintendent talks graduation, summer programs and support

Parents, you’re not alone.  You’re not the only one confused about how schools are teaching math these days. You’re not the only one who can’t remember how to...

Keeping your plant babies happy and healthy

Have you taken to gardening to pass the time or growing our own food to get through this strange period? If you’re like me, the idea is...

Daily Facebook live sessions with everyone’s favorite dolphins from DRC

Every day at 1 p.m., Dolphin Research Center (DRC) in Marathon hosts a daily Facebook Live session with their resident dolphins. DRC shares “dolphin joy” and activity...

Mote goes ‘ReMote’ with Keys-centric education & social media

Mote Marine Laboratory’s Summerland Key facility, The Elizabeth Moore International Center for Coral Reef Research and Restoration, is currently closed to tours and outside visitors. However, their...

School district talks financial implications amid COVID-19

Monroe County School officials spent part of the April 14 meeting discussing financial implications of the COVID-19 crisis and measures they aim to take. So far, Superintendent Mark...

Governor: Online learning in place until summer

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced this weekend that Florida’s schools will remain closed for the rest of the academic year. At least 27 other states, including Washington,...

Nature walks and life lessons

In conjunction with this year’s modified City Nature Challenge (CNC), Ocean Studies Charter School in Tavernier will be asking students to conduct nature tours that FIU scientists...

FIU spearheads celebration of nature, encourages all to join

The City Nature Challenge  (CNC) is an annual global competition between cities around the world to see who has the most biodiversity. The 2020 CNC SoFlo (South...

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