Rescue shows need for marine mammal hospital - A woman holding a fish - Florida Keys

Rescue shows need for marine mammal hospital

Two Atlantic bottlenose dolphins were rescued off the shallow waters of Fiesta Key Campground and Marina at MM 70 on July 26. With the dolphins now in...
Study reveals key contributor to coral health problem - A person swimming in the water - Coral reef

Study reveals key contributor to coral health problem

Environmental stressors like warming water temperatures are contributing to massive coral death, scientists say. But a recent study with three decades of data collected from Looe Key...
Mote scientist to receive prestigious award at Nation’s Capitol - A person swimming in the water - Coral

Mote scientist to receive prestigious award at Nation’s Capitol

Erinn Muller’s coral and disease research is catching the attention of many in Florida, the U.S. and around the world. The science director of Mote’s Elizabeth Moore Center...

Study brings hope to future success of out-plants

“Because you’re all here tonight, I know I don’t have to remind you all of the importance of coral reefs,” said Paige Carper during Coral Restoration Foundation’s...
Turtles, wildlife brought Bette Zirkelbach to the Keys - A person holding a fish - Florida Keys

Turtles, wildlife brought Bette Zirkelbach to the Keys

Marathon High School may have its own cheerleading squad, but just down the road there’s a self-described “cheerleader for turtles.” Meet Bette Zirkelbach, manager of The Turtle...
County: 76 more canals to be cleaned in the Keys - A crane next to a pile of dirt - Florida Keys

County: 76 more canals to be cleaned in the Keys

On July 17, Monroe County announced it had secured permission to clean an additional 76 canals. One-hundred and seventy two canals have already been cleared of hurricane...
‘Florida Man’ wins! - A person standing next to a body of water - Florida Keys

‘Florida Man’ wins!

Marathon’s Rachel Bowman was personally recruited to take a spot on the “Florida Man” team for this past weekend’s Emerald Coast Open, formerly the Lionfish World Tournament....
Florida Bay depends on Everglades Restoration - A pond next to a body of water - Florida Bay

Florida Bay depends on Everglades Restoration

Over one hundred years ago, as the first shovel of muck was removed from the River of Grass to turn Florida’s swamp into liquid gold, the state...
FWC encourages homeowners to kill green iguanas - A close up of a reptile - Lizard

FWC encourages homeowners to kill green iguanas

The public perception of the green iguana has gone from oddity to nuisance to invasive exotic. And the Florida Wildlife Commission (FWC) is urging the public, in...
More education, engagement and freshwater - A man sitting in a boat on a body of water - Florida Keys

More education, engagement and freshwater

Captains Elizabeth Jolin and Xavier Figueredo know the Florida bay quite well having navigated the waters of one of the nicest coastal waters in the world for...

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