Time’s up for residents still living in temporary trailers - A desktop computer sitting on top of a table - Caravan

Time’s up for residents still living in temporary trailers

On Sunday, March 10, Katrina Spelker of Marathon will cut her boat delivery short in order to meet FEMA officials at her agency-provided trailer to turn over...
Remains of Irma: Canal Cleanup Nears Completion - A boat is docked next to a body of water - Florida Keys

Remains of Irma: Canal Cleanup Nears Completion

A government project that’s under budget and scheduled to be completed a month or more ahead of time? Yes.  Monroe County’s project to clean up canals clogged with...
Agencies partner to get residents back in their homes - A man standing in front of a building - Porch

Agencies partner to get residents back in their homes

In mid-November, the American Red Cross redoubled its efforts in the Florida Keys post-Irma by sending out teams to canvass neighborhoods looking for affected residents. Seven weeks...
Key West City Commission Debates Landfill - A flock of seagulls flying in the air - Gulls

Key West City Commission Debates Landfill

Commissioner Sam Kaufman thinks it’s time to finally do something about Mt. Trashmore, and all the commissioners agreed at Tuesday’s commission meeting. It’s not the first battle...
Moving right along – Canal cleanup ahead of schedule; more added to list - A truck is parked on the side of a river - Car

Moving right along – Canal cleanup ahead of schedule; more added to list

In the last six weeks, Hurricane Irma marine debris removal throughout the Keys has been ahead of schedule – so ahead of schedule that another 41 canals...
AN AMAZING ‘SLIDE SHOW’ - A small boat in a body of water - Hurricane Irma


With more storms brewing in the Atlantic, the last thing locals want or need is an exhaustive account of last year’s natural disaster. With that in mind,...
Canal cleanup begins in all areas - A group of people standing on a boat - Key West

Canal cleanup begins in all areas

By the time Monroe County canals are cleared of storm debris, it will have been more than a year and a half since Hurricane Irma’s roar on...
Good news: Lower water temperatures - A close up of a snow covered mountain - Hurricane Floyd

Good news: Lower water temperatures

By Charles Fulco It’s officially hurricane season in the Keys again, but Irma-weary residents will be glad to know the current forecast calls for much-reduced activity in the...
3 zeros, one payment – Reimbursement dollars “on the way” to Keys - Florida Keys

3 zeros, one payment – Reimbursement dollars “on the way” to Keys

Although it’s been slow moving and Keys municipalities have had to use their own funds to pay for Hurricane Irma recovery, reimbursement money from the Federal Emergency...
FAQ about the ‘yellow ticket’ – What to know about new hurricane re-entry rules - 4K resolution

FAQ about the ‘yellow ticket’ – What to know about new hurricane re-entry rules

Getting a community back up and running after a natural disaster is no easy task, and for that reason, businesses and residents vital to the recovery process...

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