“On the Hook” with Mark Hedden —Captivating, Raw, Genius - A man holding a gun - Florida Keys

“On the Hook” with Mark Hedden —Captivating, Raw, Genius

History is always in the making, and it's local artists like photographer Mark Hedden who have the ingenious eye to capture it. Hedden’s new show “On The...
Celebrating Tennessee Williams: Events will Offer Cocktails, Movies, Books and More! - Tennessee Williams et al. standing in front of a building - Tennessee Williams

Celebrating Tennessee Williams: Events will Offer Cocktails, Movies, Books and More!

Two events in particular shine in the lineup of the Tennessee Williams Birthday Celebration. “An Evening with Tennessee Williams” Enjoy samples of the Pulitzer prize-winning author’s favorite drinks, the...
Key limes responsible for real estate prices in Florida Keys - A group of people posing for a photo - Florida Keys

Key limes responsible for real estate prices in Florida Keys

We all know the “Key” in “Key lime pie” comes from the Florida Keys, but why is a lime native to Southeast Asia named after an island...
WIDENING THE BRIDGE  – Keys History - A vintage photo of a boat next to a body of water - Overseas Highway


By 1928 it was possible to drive an automobile from Miami to Key West. Well, not all the way to Key West. The first iteration of the road...
STAR-SPANGLED BANNERS - A house covered in snow - Scale Models


The first American flag to flap over the Florida Keys had 13 stripes and 24 stars. This flag flew from 1822 to 1836.  While the first staff to...
 - A close up of text on a black background - Key lime pie

David Sloan’s Key Lime Pie Hole on the ultimate Keys condiment “Old Sour”

“Old sour” is a Conch tradition that has shaped the stories of our Key lime culture for generations. Fermented Key lime juice, salt and an optional bird...
Railroad workers transported to work site - A group of people in a boat on a body of water - Heavy cruiser

Railroad workers transported to work site

Marathon History Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines peonage as 1. a) the use of laborers bound in servitude because of debt, and b) a system of convict labor by which...
Robert the Doll’s Killer Key Lime Pie - A vintage photo of a person - Key lime pie

Robert the Doll’s Killer Key Lime Pie

Robert the Doll steals most of the attention at his old Key West residence at 534 Eaton St., but there was a time when the Key lime...
The Key Lime Massacre at Indian Key? - A vintage photo of a group of people posing for the camera - Henry Perrine

The Key Lime Massacre at Indian Key?

You can thank arsenic poisoning next time you enjoy a slice of Key lime pie. That’s what set physician and horticulturist Dr. Henry Perrine on a path...
A walk through Nike Hercules missile base - A group of people standing next to a tree - Golden Letters Tablet

A walk through Nike Hercules missile base

“Here’s your first security fence. There was a guard station over there,” says former Army Specialist Ted Swanson, pointing to what appears to be dense underbrush. “Beyond...

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