Modified sports schedule starts for MHS Dolphins

The endless summer has come to a halt as Monroe schools begin letting students back into the classroom and as Marathon High School is eager to announce...

Stanley Switlik Elementary is welcoming students back

Last week, Kindergarten and first-grade students returned on Tuesday. On Wednesday, it was second and third grades. On Thursday and Friday, respectively, the fourth and fifth-grade students...

Marathon is planning ahead for Halloween in pandemic

“Halloween is not a city-sponsored event,” said Marathon Councilman Mark Senmartin at a meeting on Sept. 8. “There’s been some confusion about what’s allowed and what’s not...

Congresswoman announces grant for mental health treatment in Monroe County

A federal grant is going to support continued mental and substance use disorder treatment, crisis counseling and other supportive care to those in the Keys impacted by...

Workplaces double as school for Keys students and parents

At the Dolphin Research Center, they call it micro-schooling, which is as good a word as any to describe what others have called flexibility in these unprecedented...

Fishermen’s Community Hospital in Marathon is taking shape

A group of Fishermen’s Community Hospital nursing and respiratory therapy leaders got a first look inside the new, state-of-the-art hospital being built in Marathon. The goal of...

Marathon’s Cody Ward knows more about the law, gaming than you do

Cody Ward was hired by the City of Marathon soon after graduation from University of Florida’s law school. That was more than five years ago. But the...

Busy boat ramps cause trailer-park turmoil in Middle Keys

On Aug. 17, a picture of a pickup truck and boat trailer parked on new landscaping on the edge of Aviation Boulevard sparked a fresh wave of...

Botanical Babes: local biologists grow plant hobby into blooming business

Erica Ross, Tanya Ramseyer and Samantha Hagedorn are obsessed with plants. The trio call themselves the Botanical Babes, and they want to help you find the plant...

Front porch style apartment design comes to the Florida Keys

Seaward Landing will start moving new tenants into apartments at the beginning of September. For now, they are accepting pre-leasing applications for the mix of 45 one-,...

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