Lower Keys Aerial

Sanctuary seeks fishing community members for advisory council

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary is recruiting for four seats on its advisory council. The council ensures public participation in the management of the sanctuary. The sanctuary...

Sanctuary buoy team completes maintenance mission before holiday weekend

Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary buoy team member Brady Booton holds a pick-up line compromised by gooseneck barnacles. Prior to the Independence Day weekend, NOAA allowed the...

State versus feds – Wildlife board questions parts of sanctuary plan

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission board, appointed by the governor and chaired by Key West businessman Robert Spottswood, recently submitted its response to — and...

Marine debris cleanups make an impact in the Florida Keys

In March, the “Goal: Clean Seas Florida Keys” (GCS) program released a report showing the impact of marine debris cleanups done in the Florida Keys National Marine...

BOCC, FKNMS SAC virtual meetings welcome public comment

Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Meeting Monroe County will hold the Wednesday, April 15 BOCC meeting, scheduled for Marathon, virtually to handle any items needed to move...

Marine Zones, Shoreline Speed and Water Quality, Oh My!

Because of social distancing, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary met virtually instead of in person for its March sanctuary advisory council meeting.  “As you know, we are...

Dear Sanctuary Officials …

Those of you involved with the proposed expansion of the Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary will likely remember I served on numerous NOAA and Coral Reef Sanctuary committees. I...
Mill McCleary

Water quality must be sanctuary’s top priority

For 32 years, Reef Relief has fought incredibly hard to keep our reefs alive and protected through educating our community and its many visitors. Through our outreach...
holly raschein

State will have major role to play

As a boater, diver, angler, and your state representative for the last eight years, I can think of no issue more wide-ranging in its impact than the...

Is the Sanctuary listening?

This Sanctuary “restoration blueprint” is a fatally flawed document that is not supported by the majority of our local residents. This document did not go through an...

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