Is your social media helping your business succeed? Are your online marketing efforts engaging and effective? Is your content reaching the right people? Is your website outdated?
Social media and digital marketing are powerful and essential tools for today’s businesses and some strategies work better than others.
The digital marketing team at Overseas Media Group, in partnership with the Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce, will offer two social media and digital marketing seminars on Tuesday, Aug. 13 and Thursday, Aug. 15 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Marathon Library.
Professionals who post for a living will share tips, tools and tactics to ensure that a business’s social media and online marketing efforts are reaching the right audience and connecting with current and future customers. Attendees should bring their laptops for hands-on help.
Reserve a spot by calling the chamber at 305-743-5417 or emailing erika@floridakeysmarathon.com. The cost is $15 for Marathon chamber members and $30 for non-members. Pay online using the QR code or at the door. Do you have any specific topics that you’d like the presenters to address at the seminar? Let them know in advance at https://tinyurl.com/yjd8kdw2.