In recognition of Father’s Day on Sunday, June 19, the Keys Weekly spoke to dads to hear their proudest moments, some good advice they’ve received and more.
Key West
Father to Baby Elenie (rhymes with Melanie)
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Be present and enjoy every minute. They grow up fast!
Proudest dad moment thus far? I’m proud of every moment; it’s tough to choose just one. I don’t remember what we were doing, but the first time she smiled at me was a pretty special moment.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? When does a joke turn into a dad joke? When it becomes apparent.NATE BOUCREE
Father to Collette & Vance
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Don’t buy a nice couch. Buy a fun couch, one you can use as a fort. Kids will always remember the forts.
Proudest dad moment thus far? When I realized both of my kids love the ocean as much as I do.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie? SoFISHticatedDEREK EPPERLY
Father to Dash and Hope
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Pick your battles; there will be plenty.
Proudest dad moment thus far? The first time my son hugged his sister and told her to have a good day at school. (Very rare.)
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? What did the dad buffalo say to his son when he left for school? Bison.CHAS SPOTTSWOOD
Father to Charles, Jackson & Dekker
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Never turn down a game of catch.
Proudest dad moment thus far? My son Charles’ piano recital.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? What kind of bees make honey? Boo bees (My kids think that one’s hilarious.)TERRY WORTHING
Father to Fenway
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Try your best with your kid all the time and give them your time, even when you don’t feel like it.
Proudest dad moment so far? Watching Fenway want to help others.
Best dad joke you’ve heard or told? How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas? He felt his presents.DARREN HORAN
Father to Amore, Audrey & Monroe
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Take good care of your children. They will be the ones deciding your nursing home.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Watching my oldest work hard to get into her dream school of Georgia Tech.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? I ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon. I’ll let you know…Annie and DadMandy and DadJack and JoeBritt and Dad and sonIrene and DadChanice and DadMaison and Dad
Profession: Manager, Grassy Flats Resort.
Names and ages of children: Bryce, 4, and Indy, 1.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Every day is a gift. That’s why they call it the present.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Both of my boys being so helpful to others makes me most proud as a dad.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? What did one casket say to the other? “Is that you coffin’?”
Father’s Day plans? Paddleboarding or anything at the beach.DANILO BUESO
Profession: Chef Cuisine, Mahina at Isla Bella Beach Resort.
Names and ages of children: Mariely Bueso Mora, 7.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Always be the best example, day by day, for your children.
Proudest dad moment thus far? I’m always proud of my beautiful daughter, but the best part is seeing her attend another school year and knowing that I am her example to follow, working to be able to give her a better future and education.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? From my daughter herself: “Dad, you are never going to be married, I’m going to be your girlfriend forever!”R.D. GOODMAN
Profession: Captain of Huntress Sportfishing.
Names and ages of children: River, 4, and Hurley, 1.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Drive fast, take chances – wait, that’s my motto!
Proudest dad moment thus far? Watching my son and daughter grow together.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? It’s not babysitting if they are my own kids.
Father’s Day plans? Stay in the AC!ARTHUR HRYTZAY
Artie (9), Avery (6) and Andrew (5) keep their dad, Arthur Hrytzay (age indeterminate) busy. He is a maintenance lineman for Xfinity and a den leader for his kid’s Cub Scout troop. He loves spending his free time with the family at the park, watching his kids play sports, fishing or enjoying the day at the sandbar. He will be taking it easy on Father’s Day and just enjoying the day with family and their newly adopted dog, Hobie.TYLER BLANTON
Profession: MCSO Sergeant.
Names and ages of children: Luke, 5.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? They grow up way too fast, cherish every moment.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Too hard to narrow down to just one thing. This kid amazes me every single day with his athleticism.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? The rotation of the Earth really makes my day.
What would you like your family to do for you for father’s day? Go fishing with me.STEVE KING
Profession: Charter Captain.
Names of children: Kaleb, Izaak and Ronin.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Don’t forget to feed them (the kids).
Proudest dad moment thus far? The first time my wife trusted me to be home alone with all 3.Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? What did the fish say when he ran into a wall? “Dam.”ROLANDO MONTEAGUDO
Profession: Mortgage Loan Officer, Tewes Mortgage.
Names and ages of children: Anthony Monteagudo, 10, and Erduin Moreno, 10.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Probably, as most of us, the best advice came from my father: “Be sure to always look at the world with the positive eye first and let the negative one come second to balance your decisions.” Having a positive attitude first will allow you to see the future clearly and grow.
Proudest dad moment thus far? I am so proud of my son and my stepson. Having the opportunity to see them grow and build their own personalities, capabilities and strength is the greatest satisfaction in life. For me, the proudest moment is every second spent with them. I love my super boys!
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? “Why couldn’t the family leave the room after playing with Legos? They were blocked.”BRIAN WITTE
Profession: Retired drug dealer (pharmaceuticals).
Names and ages of children: Mark, 29, and Jonathon, 25.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? You’ve got a good wife. Don’t screw it up.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Both boys are no longer sucking on the financial teat of their parents.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? Two guys walk into a bar. You’d think the first guy would have said something.Father’s Day plans? A surprise visit from the boys would work on any day!RICK COLBACCHINI
Profession: Property management.
Names and ages of children: Amber, 30, and Sara, 27.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? My family always led by example. Work hard, be kind and enjoy life.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Too many to list, but if I have to pick one it’s watching my daughters both graduate college with nursing degrees and be successful in their profession.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? What did the duck say when he bought chapstick? Put it on my bill.
A grasshopper walks into a bar and the bartender says, “We have a drink named after you.” The grasshopper says, “Really? You have a drink named Steve?”
Father’s Day plans? A family dinner would be nice, but unfortunately we won’t be together, so I’ll take a rain check.JAMES CARLSON
Profession: Mate/Keeping Anglers Happy.
Names and ages of children: Johnny, 3, and Elise, 1.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? From my grandpa: “Manners Maketh Man,” “Think with your big head,” and “If you do a job, do it like it’s your job.”
Proudest dad moment thus far? Elise reading me the book “Dada,” and teaching Johnny how to finally use the brakes on his scooter, but really all of them.
Father’s Day plans? GrillSCOTT REID
Captain Scott Reid and his son Barrett, who turns 2 in October – are excited to welcome a baby girl into the house this coming November. For this Father’s Day, Barrett’s mom Elise is going to “wrangle the child and let Scott do whatever he wants to do.” In their spare time together, Barrett and his dad like to fish, swim or ride around in a 5-ton military vehicle.CHRIS BRYK
Celebrated electrical wizard Chris Bryk is a finalist for “Dad of Year.” His application for the award, penned by daughters Leah (6) and Ryan (8), details how dad takes them boating, swimming, fishing and teaches them valuable life lessons and helps them appreciate the finer things in life – like pizza and chicken wings. Ryan also said her dad is great at “cuddling.”DANIEL SANCHEZ AND DAD JOSE
Profession: Keys Weekly Newspapers delivery, vacation rental maintenance.
Names and ages of children: Daniel Joseph, 7 weeks.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Always do what’s right, be a good person, and have good manners.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Holding my kid in the hospital room after he was born. Felt pretty surreal.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? “I had a happy childhood. My dad used to put me in tires and roll me down hills. Those were the Goodyears.”CHRIS STILL
Profession: Owner and operator of the Tackle Box.
Names and ages of children: Zac, 22, Riley, 19, and Harris, 16.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? If it doesn’t have a price tag on it, you can’t afford it.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Watching my boys grow into the young men they are becoming.Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? Where do you catch fish? In the mouth.CHRIS STILL
Profession: Owner and operator of the Tackle Box.
Names and ages of children: Zac, 22, Riley, 19, and Harris, 16.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? If it doesn’t have a price tag on it, you can’t afford it.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Watching my boys grow into the young men they are becoming.Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? Where do you catch fish? In the mouth.DANIEL SAMESS
Profession: CEO, Greater Marathon Chamber of Commerce.
Names and ages of children: Ava, 10, and Emily, 9.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? “Marry that girl (Liz) already, you idiot!”
Proudest dad moment thus far? Seeing my girls excel as students in school and them not having smart phones.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? One I can’t say, but otherwise: you never stop paying for them (kids).
What would you like your family to do for you for father’s day? Play a rare round of golf, or go fishing, or smoke a nice brisket while I’m golfing and fishing. EDDY WORTHINGTON
Profession: IT professional.
Names and ages of children: Eddy, 8, Andrew, 6, and Richey, 4 .
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Be patient.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Teaching all my kids to swim by the age of 3.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? My wife yelled at me, “Are you even listening to me?” I said, “That’s a funny way to start a conversation.”TONY PISCETELLO
Profession: Manager/Operator, Driftwood Pizza
Names and ages of children: Roco, 13.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Enjoy the moment you’re in, because time flies.
Proudest dad moment thus far? When I watch Roco fix and figure stuff out on his own.Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? Is there really a good one?PAUL RICKERT
OK, so he’s not a Keys dad, but the week wouldn’t be complete without Keys Weekly editor Alex Rickert wishing his own dad a happy Father’s Day. Much to the likely chagrin of his father Paul, who began college as an acting major, the younger Rickert displayed absolutely zero aptitude for the theatrical arts throughout his first 24 years of life. However, an invitation to join the Marathon Community Theatre’s production of “Cabaret” in 2017 ignited a shared passion. And exactly 40 years after Paul played the lead role of J. Pierrepont Finch in the musical “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,” the younger Rickert finally followed in his father’s thespian footsteps, landing the same role at MCT. Thanks for all the support and for passing on just a fraction of the talent, Dad!ERIC GUZMAN
The new General Manager of Speciality Hardware in Marathon, but he’s no stranger on the “dad circuit” as his nine year old son Mateo is involved in many activities including sports and Cub Scouts.
“I am proud of many things in life, but nothing beats being a dad – Mateo’s dad,” he says. His secret: Try not stress over the little things. “It is what it is.” As for a dad joke, Eric asks, “Did you hear about the guy that lost his entire left in a motorcycle accident? He’s all RIGHT now…get it?”
Upper Keys
Owner, Keys Smartphone Repair.
Father of Dominic, 24 and Victor Jr., 8.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Don’t be afraid to ask because if you don’t ask, the answer will always be no.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Watching Dominic join the Army
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? I spent a lot of time, money and effort child proofing my house … but the kids still get in. RYAN WILL
Health insurance broker.
Father of Aubrey, 11, and RJ, 8.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Take time to cherish all the moments you have with your children, the good and the bad, because time goes fast.
Proudest dad moment thus far? When I get compliments from others on how good my children behave.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? Why do seagulls fly over the ocean? Because if they flew over the bay, we’d call them bagels. MIKE JOHNSON
General manager, Florida Seabase.
Father of Matthew Joel, 27 and Noah Christopher, 24.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? It wasn’t from a dad but rather the nurse preparing us dads for our first-born. She asked if we were excited about teaching our child to ride a bike, play baseball or fish. All hands went up. She then asked how many were looking forward to changing diapers, late night feedings and cleaning spit-up. I don’t recall many hands going up. She said, “If you aren’t involved in your child’s life early on, don’t expect to jump in when it’s fun.” Good advice.
Proudest dad moment thus far? We were vacationing in the Keys when the boys were in grade school and Noah wanted to catch an iguana. He asked if he caught one, could he keep it and take it home. To quiet him down we said “Sure.” Lo and behold, he and his brother caught an iguana one night (I may have helped). The next morning Julie was surprised, and the parental backtracking began. Nothing we said about how hard it would be to keep it as a pet would sway Noah. Finally, Matthew said “Noah, what would Jeff Corwin do?” Noah thought hard and said, “Keep the iguana for a day and let him go free.” And that’s what happened. So, we’re partially responsible for the iguana population in the Keys…
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? All my dad jokes are good so it’s tough to choose. Did you hear about Sir Elton John? He was lonely so he got a pet bunny. The bunny began to gain weight and Elton bought a treadmill for the bunny to use. Now “It’s a little fit bunny.” (I sing the punchline like Elton would, that’s what makes it a great dad joke and my boys always cringe…).MATT HUTCHINSON
This Sunday, Matt Hutchinson and his girls Lily (7) and Hannah (10) will be celebrating Father’s Day on vacation in northwest Ohio. Fatherly advice that Matt admits has absolutely zero relevance in the Keys: Check the snow closures before attempting to drop the kids at school. Dad is an attorney with Hershoff, Lupino and Yagel and explains that a joke becomes a “dad joke when it becomes apparent.” Get it?JIM BOILINI
Doc’s Diner.
Father of Christa and Gina.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? My Italian dad was a great teacher. He taught me how to give 100% of myself 100% of the time. Try to do two things every day — one for yourself and one to enrich someone else. He loved to say a million times, “You never go wrong doing the right thing.” I used to cringe sometimes when he would say that, just like my kids did when I would say it…
Proudest dad moment thus far? By far the proudest moment is watching my daughters grow and have beautiful families and beautiful grandchildren. The feeling a parent or dad has when his kids are happy and healthy is the best feeling ever.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? I don’t really remember my dad telling jokes but he knew how to be witty. My mother was a fabulous cook. My friends would “show up” around dinner time and since we almost always ate as a family, my dad would always say “Are you here to see Jim or you just hungry?” Even if I wasn’t home, they would show up — I would come home and they would be sitting at the dinner table eating with my family. JARROD MANDOZZI
Co-founder and chief revenue officer of healthcare tech company Curatus.
Father of Brooke, 16 and Jenna, 14.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? The best advice I’ve ever gotten from any dad was from my dad when I was very young. He always told me that we live in the greatest country in the world and that I could do anything I set my mind to if I worked hard enough and stayed focused.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Man, I am so blessed to be Brooke and Jenna’s dad. There are too many to count because they make me proud to be their father every single day.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? I actually heard one that I liked the other day as a Star Wars fan: My son Luke likes that we named our kids after Star Wars characters, but my daughter Chewbacca not so much.ERIC BILLIPS
Owner of Islamorada Dive Co. & Florida Keys Dive Co.
Father of Bodie, 9.
Best advice which is actually against advice? Ha… “One day your kids will follow your examples, instead of your advice.”
Proudest dad moment thus far? When Bodie goes over to his friends’ houses, I hear from the parents, “Your son is so polite.”
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? What do you call a fish wearing a bow tie? Sofishticated.DREW GROSSMAN
CEO, Mariners Hospital & Fishermen’s Community Hospital.
Father of George, 19 and Rocky, 16.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Work really hard, and someone will notice.
Proudest dad moment thus far? Getting them to make their bed, which will start their day off right! And watching them work hard in all they do.Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? My wife asked me to stop singing “Wonderwall” to her. I said maybe…DOUG FINGER Owner, Doug Finger Photography Father to Mason, 1, and Falon, 9 Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Do what you love. Proudest dad moment thus far? No doubt, it’s the births of both my boys. Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? What do you call a man with a rubber toe? Roberto.DAVID MICHAEL LAZCOS
Real estate professional.
Father of Brody Michael Lazcos, 3.5 years old, and Jax Taylor Lazcos, 8 months old.
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? My father has never really told me directly but rather has shown me the importance of family and what it means to me to be a father figure. I only hope to be to my boys, what he has been to me – my best friend.
Proudest dad moment thus far? When my oldest son walked up to his mother and I and said how much he loves his younger brother. There is no better feeling to a father than to see his two boys loving each other.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes. Turns out it was the refrigerator all along.BEN KEMMER
CEO of Florida Keys Children’s Shelter.
Father of Calvin 21, Keifer, 20, Edy, 17, Demi, 15 (wife Angie is also pictured).
Best advice you’ve ever gotten from any dad? Stay in school. I grew up in a small farm town where after high school most of the kids either worked on the farm for their family or in factories in nearby towns. My dad always told me to stay in school until at least an undergraduate degree was accomplished. If I hadn’t listened to him I probably would still be living in Illinois and not the Florida Keys.
Proudest dad moment thus far? I don’t really have a particular moment I can pinpoint as the proudest. I’m proud of my kids’ accomplishments every day.
Best dad joke you’ve told or heard? A ham sandwich walks into a bar and orders a drink. The bartender says we don’t serve food here.